How to clean old cat urine stains?

Out cat has peed on the carpet numerous times, some we’ve noticed and cleaned straight away others we haven’t noticed. On particular we had a copper ornament that she has weed behind which has left a dark yellow urine mark and green copper mark.
We have had carpets professionally cleaned, tried enzyme cleaner, bio washing power, bicarb of soda but just wondered if anyone has any other ideas as the stain won’t shift! Thanks

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? Best Answer

  • Beaphar Spray Away Plus is the best product i have tried it contains cleaning agents and special bacteria which love to eat up organic stains and odour-producing substances, both of which pets are apt to produce. Once the stain has been removed, the bacteria die. So smells are removed, and don’t come back later, when perfumes wear off, as may happen with many other cleaning products. Also excellent for removing grass, red wine and food stains.…

    It even shifts red wine out of a white sheepskin rug ( it saved me from an ear bashing once ).
    – Chosen by Asker

  • You could try cleaning it with vinegar or a vinegar/water solution. That’s what I always use for cat urine on clothes and it’s always seemed to work.

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