How to plan a book? Experienced writers advice.?

I’ve got a basic idea so far, though a little vague. I’m currently working on the twist and I hope to ensure that it can follow into a sequel, however this is my first time writing a book.

I’m years old and my English skills are good, not amazing, but good. I have a respectable vocabularly which I’m trying to build but my main strength comes from creative ideas.

I’ve got every belief that my ideas have the basis to form an excellent book but I’m a little skeptical about the strength of my English skills and my experience of writing a book, as they’re very limited.

I’m taking this sub-project pretty seriously despite it been completed in my spare time. I’m hoping people who have successfully written books before can guide me in the right direction with some solid book planning bullet points and also any general advice they are able to provide, cheers.

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  • I would LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! to help you!

    [kcgirl@ ] please email for ANYTHING

    First off, you learn by writing.

    I’m on a RP site, which is like making a story with someone else. It introduces you to SO many types of writing styles, and you learn new words, how to formulate a plot all on your own, introduce dilemmas.

    It’s also really fun.

    Also, it’s nice to read other stories people have written. [] You get ideas from there, such as how to write your story, how to formulate a plot, the climax and stuff.

    for beginning writers, it’s easier to make an outline of what you want to happen.

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    something like this:

    [ ] sally goes to the mall

    [ ] Sally trips and falls, and is rushed the emergency room

    [ ] Sally is treated by a doctor

    [ ] Sally is released by the hospital and goes home to find a car driving by constantly.

    [ ] sally and ___ go to the movies, but are chased in the alleyways by a tall man

    [ ] Sally and ___ run for their lives, trying to get away

    [ ] Finally, the creepy guy finds them,and it turns out to be the doctor, trying to give sally her medicine

    You can check off the things as you go, and having an outline helps you realize, “okay, I can’t go on just making my character live their life, I have to introduce a conflict”

    Then, you should talk to some authors, help them, edit their papers, and have them edit yours. That way, you get ideas from editing theirs, and they give you their ideas, and you can take them into consideration, or disregard them.


    I hope you email me and we can talk further. I’d love to help you! But if not, this is what I leave you with.

    Source(s): I write.

  • “How do I make a plot-guide without eventually looking at it and finding it cliche or senseless?” — Try to think up something unique and that has a great twist? I suggest you plan before you write. It doesn’t sound like writing organically is working for you. I always plot my stories from beginning to end before I write. In fact, I write a synopsis or query letter for all my novels before I start writing them. This helps keep the plot in view and spot an flaws that might be in the plot so I can fix them before I write the whole novel. You won’t believe how easy writing it will be after doing that. And, of course, it’s not written in stone, so it can be changed along the way. Though, my plotting is in-depth and the major plot doesn’t change and I don’t plan out every detail, only the major ones. I’ve written two novels this way and not once have I deviated from, or changed, the main the plot. This is because I know what I’m writing before I start – as far as plot and storyline goes. So, I suggest try writing out a full plot and take it from there. That will be your synopsis. This way you’ll know who the character is, what’s at stake, what his/her obstacles are, how he’ll overcome them, and you’ll know how it’ll end. If you don’t know how to write a synopsis then you can check online for examples. I follow Wikipedia’s though. Just go to the Wikipedia page for some of your favorite novels and check out the summary for the book. It’s usually a synopsis that gives not only the twists but also the ending. You can use those as a guide for writing your own.

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  • The important thing to to just get writing. I write the parts that are in my head first, be it the climax, the beginning or just bits and pieces from anywhere. Your English skills will improve once you get some things on paper and you see for yourself what works and what doesn’t. As for planning, I usually wait until I’ve got a few sections written out before I start deciding what goes where. Basically, I just connect the good parts. I don’t spend very much time planning. If I do, I spend all my time planning and none of it writing! You WILL re-write some of the first parts as you go along. That’s good! You learn by doing.

  • You did not state the type of book you want to write, but this outline for a mystery novel can be adapted for other types of books.

    One writer I know has a pretty good system. He puts plot points on yellow post-it notes and arranges them on a big bulletin board, when he has written the scene for each note, the manuscript comes together. This system works for him because he does not have to write the scenes and chapters in order. When writing a mystery, it often helps to write the last part first and then go back and set up the sequence of events that lead to the conclusion.

    Source(s): How to Plot a Mystery Novel:

  • Do what works for you. There is no one way to write a novel and you’re the only one who can determine the best process for your personal style. Some people outline, some go just by their ideas.

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    Other than that, write every day and read every day. It’s the best way to learn novel writing and expand your writing skills.

    Source(s): I’m a writer.

  • Planning? What is this… planning you speak of?

    Source(s): Writer…

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