I have a question about Guppy Fry! please Help!?

My Question is how do I catch my guppy fry? I bought six guppies. Two male four female. In addition, 3 platys. I have a little bit of plants and a few live ones. The tank is 55 gallons. I have a pregnant guppy, and I know this because it has a gravid spot. I have done quite a bit of research over my guppies. I made this


I looked it up and stuff and people say that it does not work. I was wondering if it does. If it does what do, I feed them. Can I feed them boiled lettuce? Can I feed the crushed up fish food? Can I feed them boiled egg yolks? Or should i just leave guppy fry in there when they are birthed and let nature do its thing. :/

To sum everything up

1. How do I catch guppy fry?

2. What can I feed them?

Thanks You in advance! I was just needing to know this before they were born so i wasnt confused when it happened ^.^


✅ Answers

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  • If im in your case, ill separate the mother guppy to separate tank untill she gives birth, then after giving birth, put her back on her tank. For the babies, feed them with live brine shrimps, theyll love it, crushed fish flakes and for me, ill put a stone with algae in their tank because they will eat those. Brine shrimp and fish flakes should be alternately fed to them. And for the feeding time, its also fine if you feed them 3 small servings per day, rather than overfeeding them in one meal a day. They should grow about the size where other fish cant swallow them before bringing those babby to the community

  • they are going to devour the fry. except there are hiding places. I fairly have 2 fry in a tank with 4 male guppies and a pair of woman and theyre nevertheless alive by using fact they cover in a plant and a cave that i made. however the adults will devour the fry. Your in basic terms threat of reducing the probability of that taking place is to maintain the adults properly fed – besides the incontrovertible fact that don’t over feed them the two. My suggestion – wait till theyre greater suitable or put in some hiding places

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