i have a question about self-injury?

i am fouteen years old and have been battling depression off and on for the last and a half years. for the last years i have been self injuring. i know there are other people that cut and burn.

but when i get really sad i take a pin/needle from my sewing kit and push it into my arm untill it disappears. i have seven needles in my arm right now.

i just need to know if im alone…

does anyone else do this?


i don’t feel comfortable telling my ‘parents’ because i am in foster care… so thanks but that doesn’t help. They’ll just freak out and send me away to someone else.

Update :

i don’t feel comfortable telling my ‘parents’ because i am in foster care… so thanks but that doesn’t help. They’ll just freak out and send me away to someone else.

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  • I don’t do the pin thing, but I cut..I am trying to stop right now but damn it’s hard isn’t it? Do you have a friend or someone that you can talk to about this? Because self-harm really is a serious problem..if you want to talk email me at emo_heartz@

    I’m always here to help!

  • As far as self harm goes, this is nearly normal. I also self injure, and we can be pretty creative in coming up with new ways to hurt ourselves. I have never done what you do with the needles, but I’m maybe someone, somewhere, has thought about it or done it.

    Source(s): I cut, burn, hit things and bruise myself.

  • Hey!! say about this ur parents and they will give a clear solution ur question.

    See also  How can i stop putting myself down so much ?

    Got it!!!

  • Talk to your Doctor. See a Doctor.

  • ouch… please go to your parents that doesn’t sound to healthy

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