I need help mommies?!!?

Im currently 29 weeks pregnant and when i first found out, i calculated how far along i was by looking at the dates of my LMP. According to my LMP (they are very irregular by the way!), i should be due 12th december but when i went for my first scan at 12 weeks, they said i was actually only 10 weeks gone and was due 23rd december. When i went for my 20 week anonomy scan, the doc said my baby is measuring 21w5d but he did not mention my due date being changed.

I was wondering which dates should i follow because according to my 20 week anonomy scan, my baby is now measuring 31 weeks even though im only 29weeks??!


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  • I would plan on the 12th but not stress if it takes until the 23rd! It’s pretty much guesstimation anyways! My Dr swore it was going to be the 19th of Dec and then changed it to the 6th when we found out it was twins! They are alwasys going to be two weeks early on a due date because it is two weeks after LMP that you would have caught! Be prepared early is always the best bet! Good Luck!


  • I’d follow the date your doctor gave you originally at 12 weeks, its most accurate to date a pregnancy in the first trimester. Once you are beyond that babies go through growth spurts and the dating can get all crazy. In the next few weeks you may be measuring spot on for the date your doc gave you.


  • hun,your not 29 weeks,i think your 30 or 31. my due date is DEC.15 and im 31 weeks on monday. my LMP was (if i remember correctly) march 15th or march 18th.

    EDIT: im judging by your first assigned due date (DEC. 12) but the scan is probably much more acurate,they thought i was due the 24th then when they gave me an US they changed it to the 15th.

    Source(s): 30 weeks

  • Ive herd of times when the doctor will set a due date, the due date will come.. and no baby and the doctor acauly posponds even sometimes to a month!!

    but luckly babys will just come when their ready =].

    congrats to u!!

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