I turned up my car’s radio to loud and it shut off, Why?

I was driving and I was wondering how loud my radio would go so i put it to max (dumb i know) and it just shut off and I haven’t been able to turn it on or anything for the past 2 days. It just has no power (its a new car a nissan xterra 2012) is it possible i blew a fuse?

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Yes, you most likely blew a fuse, you can do it yourself testing the fuses. 16 dollars buys you a good tester at Oreillys, and look at the owners manual for the location of the fuse. Good luck!

    I blew my car radio fuse as well, many times though.

  • Answerer 2

    Sounds to me like you blew a fuse. A fuse would be in place to prevent you from damaging your speakers so it is designed to shut off before you blow the speakers up.

    Read your owners manual.

  • Answerer 3

    Probably a blown fuse. Check the manual to find where the fuse for the radio is located or take to a local mechanic and see if they’ll check your fuses for you.

  • Answerer 4

    Just locate your fuse box in your car and see what number your radio fuse is. if its not blown see behind the raidio if it has one there.

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