I want to move in with my boyfreind next spring. How do we get his dogs and my dogs to get along under 1 roof?

His dogs are alot tougher than my wimpy dogs. His are outside dogs that come in at night and obey! Mine stay in but go out to do their thing then run back in. I am afraid the 2 females (both 3 yrs) will be at each others throats! His female is a german Shepherd mine is a beagle hound mix. The other two are older and more mellow, (he has male, lab new foundland mix (huge!), mine is lab boxer mix, not so worried about them. What can we do now to get these 4 dogs introduced so they know each other enough to make the transition easy for us all! Leaving my dogs behind is out of the question! Same for the boyfriend, Our dogs are our lives!!


✅ Answers

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  • You have a few months to get all of the dogs used to each other. Find a safe fenced area where you can let them loose and let them play together every day.

    I have had as many a four dogs who lived together in harmony.Because of my security system I used to leave them in my laundry room when I went out. After owning dogs for many years, I started listening to the people who said that I was wrong to leave all of my dogs together if I went out. I was told of incidents that sparked dogs off and they had fights.

    In view of this, I have for the last ten years separated my dogs if I leave them. Beware, separate the dogs when you go out AND make sure that they have LONG walks before you go to work. In addition to this one of you should come home at lunchtime, take them for a long walk at night and get a dog walker.


    Source(s): Dprpthy S

  • Letting them meet on neutral ground first is the best idea. Take them to the dog park or a beach together and see how they get along. You’ve got time before you move in so dont just do it twice, do it a few times during the week, and maybe after an afternoon with them all together, take your two over to his place and see if the others let them in peacefully while your there.

    If this doesn’t work and theres definately going to be fighting, your going to have to figure out a way of seperating them. The best would be dividing the backyard with some fencing and maybe a strong wire that they cant chew through.

    Best of luck 🙂

  • Like it’s already been said take them all on walks together and use a baby gate to get them used to each other but MOST importantly get them used to feeding alongside each other by designating a time to feed and put four bowls down so no dog feels they have to fight for food. If this happens that’s when things can really ugly.

  • consistent with risk it grow to be a various mail guy complaining?.. in the event that they insist on your canines inflicting problem (even yet it rather is not, it is only a puppy so far), then perhaps it may well be sturdy, just to maintain the peace, to place some form of a fenced section to the place her kennel is. it is greater helpful to not leave a canines tied for many hours on end as canines get very bored, in spite of everything, who would not? in case you are able to’t leave her untied everywhere, how approximately getting somebody to take your canines for a walk in case you’re long gone?

  • you should introduce them gradually, put a baby gate between them till they get used to the idea of each other. You should also take them on walks together to get introduced.

  • First off make sure the all have been spayed or neutered and have all of their shots, and the introduce them slowly.

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