I'm having loose stools as well as losing plug at 33 weeks is it normal?

I’m pregnant with my 2nd child 33w &2days, I have had loose stools 4 a week and also lost my mucus plug 2days ago. I’m also having a lot of Brixton hicks I don’t want to keep running into hospital with everything as things r so different from the first. I have a mw appointment in 3days. I’m struggling to think this baby goin to come early I’m due in 6weeks.

Any advice be greatful.

1 Answer

  • Hi,

    I got this from the Baby Center website. Hope this will help.

    The loss of the mucous plug mean that the cervix is starting to open up. Think of it as a cork in a bottle of wine, as the cervix opens up, the plug will come out. Many women never ever see their plug as it drops in the toilet in pieces or is not noticed. Loss of the mucous plug means that labor will most likely start within the next 2 to 3 weeks, sometimes sooner, but that is the norm. If you are less then 36 to 37 weeks you need to inform your Dr. or Midwife if you lose your plug, as this could be a sign of an early delivery. If you don’t see your plug and labor starts don’t worry about it, sometimes it does not come out until labor actually progresses, so it is nothing to really worry about or stress about unless you are less then 36 weeks. Even at 37 weeks you would still be ok as labor would not be beginning most likely for at least 2 to 3 more weeks.

    Source(s): L&D, childbirth educator on Baby Center.

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