Is it illegal to use the public restorm of the gender opposite of the gender that you are legally?

Just curious.


✅ Answers

  • It depends on where you live. Some states have laws against it, and some don’t. It’s definitely more of an issue for transpeople than others. For example, if there was a really long line of women waiting to use the restroom, I doubt the cops would fault a woman for using a single-stall men’s restroom to save time.

    Typically, transgender rights groups make an effort to have gender-neutral bathrooms installed in buildings, so it eliminates any legal trouble restrooms might cause. I think they’re a better idea for everyone, since it also eliminates other issues that might come up. For example, a father with a baby might need to change the kid’s diaper, and gender-neutral restrooms would have the fold-out changing table like women’s restrooms usually do.

  • Well what is the legal definition of gender exactly? I’ve been hunting for the answer to that the whole time I’ve been transitioning… there doesn’t seem to be one.

    My license has said I’m male since I legally changed my name. A lot of the transguys around here do that before even starting HRT, so it can’t be determined based on how far along you’ve transitioned. So if a guy who is … well… “unaltered” I guess… can get their ID modifed where I live, why can’t they use the restroom that they are comfortable in?

    I figure that the law has to define gender first, before they can determine if you are acting in accordance with any possible laws regarding bathrooms.

    Source(s): Transman, me.

  • Well I am not a lawyer so I don’t claim to know the law. But here in Nevada until you get your gender marker changed on your drivers license, and a Surgical Declaration Letter is required before that can be done.

    If you go into the restroom of your identified gender inside a casino, and someone complains they most likely will trespass you under NRS 207.2 (Nevada Revised Statues). Which means if you come back into the casino they can have you arrested for trespassing.

    In Nevada a casino can refuse service when ever, and for what ever reason they want. And no legal action can be taken against them for this.

    Source(s): Just A Woman Born Transsexual
    My Husband Is A Manager At A Local Casino
    Polly Wants A Cracker

  • As for being legal or illegal that depends on the location. But a little common sense goes a long way.

    How do you think you will be accepted if you walked into a men’s room wearing typical clothes of a girl your age. Not very well and in fact you would be putting yourself in a very dangerous situation. What if you walk into a women’s room wearing the clothes of a guy your age? Do you think some one may be upset and say something and very possibly call the police. Common sense.

  • In many places, you are required to use the restroom of your full-time gender presentation – not the restroom of your genitalia. Nobody should know what your genitals are, anyway, because you shouldn’t be showing them. Unless they’re perverts peeping at the urinal.

  • yes its illegal almost everywhere but a county in maryland where a transexual committee member managed to bull through a bylaw protecting man or women who ” self identified” as the opposite gender.The public is working furiously to get the bylaw removed since a man entered a woman’s washroom and began showering with a group of young girls and then used the law to prevent prosecution.

  • I don’t think so…. but you might get thrown out or something.

    it doesn’t seem like they’d be abke to arrest you or anything.

    (plus, I’ve gone into guys bathrooms before and nothing happened)

  • I don’t know if it is illegal but it’s kinda taboo.

  • in some places. in others transitioning transsexuals may use the facilities designated for their target gender. depends on where you are.

    best advice…check out the local laws and policies.

  • I believe it is in many areas.


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