Jesus endowed with earth & heaven authority sends disciples to spread good news, sadly failed, Why?

Matthew 28:18 to 20 records Jesus claimed he has the authority of heaven and earth and instructs his disciples to spread Gospel to all corners of the earth. Why after two thousand years, many parts of the world still unreached.? What about those areas where establised relgions that are hostiled to Christianity. Christians should check whether they have followed Jesus’ instruction properly and perhaps live properly to Jesus’ commandments. How this great commission takes such a long time and yet is still imcomplete. Maybe check into Mark 16:15 to 18 for clues. Christians are unable to live up to the conditions as stated therein in Mark 16. Or is it lack of funds that the great commission cannot progress smoothly? Or the Christians expect money to drop from heaven to do the job or the Christians have failed to give into God’s house money to do the job.


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  • Considering the millions of Christians around the world, on every continent, you have a bizarre notion of success and failure.

    Following Jesus’ earthly ministry, Christianity expanded around the known world at an incredible rate. How is that failure?

    Which are the ‘many parts of the world still unreached’ that you talk about?

  • The ‘super Tribulation’ or the ‘super approval’, or ‘gentile circumstances’ malarkey. became it 607BCE or 587BC? First a individual would desire to define if the ‘Gentile circumstances’ has ended. No the Gentile circumstances have not ended. The notice ‘Gentile’ potential something quite particular. it rather is touching directly to animals and international locations. possibly the time of Gentiles is time of communities and international locations to act as animals to devour, to drink, and to be married, and knowledgeable to reject Jesus. Has this be fulfilled? back No. became this 587BC? definite. Witnesses have self belief the fake date of 607BCE. The evidence is back overwhelming. however the Witnesses somewhat bury their head approximately how Charles Russell assume 1874 by potential of employing measurements of Giza and then replaced the measurements and expected 1914 interior the books that grew to become ‘study in Scriptures’. Later Franz began an prolonged term conflict and history revision and date placing employing 607BCE. it rather is basically greater date placing and long term Witnesses would desire to ignore with regard to the evidence. Then there is ‘the super approval’ of a company that celebrated Christmas till Rutherford and absolutely everyone partook of the bread and wine. Franz then began the two tiered super Crowd/Little Flock doctrine that’s shown incorrect in Revelation 7:9. The Witnesses are taught many lies. such because of the fact the super tribulation began in 1914 or are further approximately have self belief this travesty. The Witnesses have a lot hinging on 1914. Jesus has all potential and authority. Jesus works for the period of the Holy Spirit that’s translated the ‘Comforter’. there’s a particular presence observed as the Holy Spirit and the temple in the international is not used. the place do the one hundred forty four,0 paintings and serve?

  • Actually, so far as I know, there are very few places where the poison has not reached. Maybe some isolated spots in the Amazon rain forest and maybe New Guinea and that´s it.

  • Since there are so many books of the bible that have been “lost” ,it is unclear exactly what message they should be passing on to others.Its certainly not lack of money.Do you realise how rich the churches are? They have made loads of money from religion, especially the vatican which is the richest business in history, and could end world starvation overnight if it wanted to.

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  • You are an excellent candidate for this book, “the power of now” by ekhart tolle. within it, you will undertsand that Christ’s life and words are on the verge of flourishing amongst the masses like wildfire.

    Be intelligent and keep an open mind, and you will have all the answers you ever asked for and much much more.

    Many blessings to you on your journey

  • Because Jesus was not sent to “enforce”.


    to “inform” particularly by example.

    When we get more of that you will see more “progress”.

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