Is my german shepherd lonely?

I have a 2 year old female german shepherd.

She is such a sweet dog. She loves everyone and everything.

She’s my only big dog, I have two smaller dogs but they don’t stay near each other because she’s so big and goofy I don’t want her to play roughly with them, but I know she would never hurt them on purpose.

She sleeps with me every night but during the day she’s left alone for some long periods of time.

I hate leaving her but I can’t take her with me everywhere because she’s just so big.

Is there any way I can make sure she’s not lonely?


✅ Answers

  • This is just from my personal experience I am in now way a professional on dogs but I have owned GSDs since I was 7 and they always do better in pairs or with a playmate regardless of the breed so I would try to let her bond and interact with the other dogs believe me theyll let her know if she is too rough. Currently I have three GSDs and a winnie and he keeps up with them very well and also is the boss sometimes. And like the 1st answer stated yes dogs can die from loneliness.

    Source(s): GSD owner for 27 years dog owner all my life 37 years.

  • Many dogs die of lonliness..true fact

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