My 8 month old son won't eat anything except baby foods?

My son is 8 months old he has a bottle in the morning and one at night. The rest of the day he eats jar baby foods, but he won’t even try anything else. I have tried giving him the dissolvable gerber snacks, mash potatoes, and a little bit of brass to chew on, but he won’t eat any of it and gets mad when I try to get him to tasted it. Anyone have any ideas on how to get him to atleast try stuff like that?


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  • He is only 8 months old. No need to rush other foods. At his age even if he didn’t want any solids it would be fine. So only eating baby food is more than OK.

    My second child didn’t like hardly any solids other than crackers until she was a year old. She didn’t eat any baby food. She only drank breast milk and crackers. That was it. Her doctor said it was fine. Until a year old most of their diet should be breast milk or formula anyway.

    Now she is three and eats a huge variety of foods. She eats fruits, meats, vegatables and she is willing to try many new foods. I suppose when she was a baby she just was not ready for solids for a while. It is likely that your child is the same way.


  • He is not getting enough formula. You need to add at least 1 more bottle during the day and offer it before his meals. Formula, or breastmilk should remain the basis of a baby’s diet until 1yr.

    24-32 oz is what’s recommended.

    Gerber dissolvable snacks are gross and mashed potatoes are just like jar food.

    Try cheerios, crackers, toast, sliced banana, avacado wedges, steamed or cooked carrots, peas, tomatoes (peeled and cut), cooked and peeled eggplant, baked potato (peeled), rice, and anything off your plate that is soft and either small piece or larger than fist sized. Even cut or ripped chicken is good at this age even without teeth.

    Source(s): This is what my 3 at when they were 8 mos.00

  • While many babies are ready to move onto table foods by 8 months, some are not. This isnt’ anything to be concerned about. Offer every week or two, but dont’ push it.

    You do, however, need to be giving him much more formula. At 8 months formula is still the basis of his diet and solids, whether purees or finger foods, are ‘just for fun.’ He needs at LEAST 24 ounces of formula per day, and if he’ll take 30-40 ounces, all the better.


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