My cats lower abdomen seems hard and slightly swollen?

My cat is about a year old, she has not yet been fixed, but we are going to soon (shes a rescue cat we recently got). She was in heat about a week ago and I noticed her lower stomach, towards her “lady parts” was swollen and seemed hard, I thought that it had something to do with that. But shes out of heat now, and her stomach is still hard there. She seems like maybe she has lost a slight amount of weight, but I’m not 1% sure. Other then that, she seems fine, no other problems. Any thoughts? Should I take her to the vet sooner? Her appointment is in two weeks.


✅ Answers

  • you’re able to have her check out once you carry her in to the vet. i does not recommend getting her vaccinated at that component inspite of the incontrovertible fact that. Vaccines are in elementary terms meant for healthful animals. (It says so maximum suitable on the bottle)

  • Yes, call the vet and see if you can get it moved forward. It could be nothing, but if it isn’t, it’s the kind of thing needing immediate attention.

    Source(s): I am an animal care technician, and have lived with cats for 35 years.

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