My clothes tend to trap smell (fart smell, etc). What type of clothes shud I use this 2 fight this?

for example: cotton or wool or polyester or etc


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  • HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just go around naked man!! The air will whip away the farts.


  • Since you posted this in the chemistry section, here’s a chemical answer:

    1. Buy a washing machine which releases silver ions eg Samsung Silver Wash. The silver kills bacteria, fungus, odors for up to 30 days and keeps killing them while you wear them.

    2. Don’t use softener: use Woolite on all your clothes, except very dirty clothes like grease on denims. Softener clogs the fabric and actually suffocates it so it can’t breathe. Also leaves a lot of chemicals which gas can react with.

    3. Yes, cotton is a good choice, because it is breathable. So, stay away from softener to maintain this quality.

  • It’s not the type of clothing you are wearing (although cotton is usually the easier of the fabrics to clean, I’ll give you that), it’s the type of soap you are using to get your bodily smelly-smells out. You need to use a quality soap, like Tide or Surf detergent with the warmest water possible when you wash your clothes; then rinse with Downy.

    If you are wearing anything white and cotton, you can use bleach when you wash your clothing. Bleach will kill anything, including the bacteria that are lingering in your undies or outerwear and which are causing your problem, and will rid you of the dreaded passed-gas smell or worse (although I cannot imagine what that smell would or could be, as breakin’ wind usually makes a pretty bad stink 🙂 … if you use the fabric softener, Downy or any other GOOD one, it actually softens the water so you can rinse the stuff out more easily and more thoroughly.

    So, it’s all about washing and rinsing, my dear odor-hating friend. And good for you for asking. Too many people go around with bad odors emanating from them and don’t realize how offensive it is!

    I wish you all the best.

    Source(s): my father was a developer for P&G and actually helped ‘discover’ Downy!

  • Don’t know if you can consider this clothes, but a soapy cotton washcloth pulled across your butt EACH NIGHT will go a long way to keeping whatever type of clothes you wear from smelling like farts. Also like one other answer you received, wash your clothes often with the hottest water possible, a good detergent, and for optimum fresh smell, try Sauvitel, it is AWESOME!!!

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  • It’s ok , maybe its the way you wash them. You need to heat dry them after you wash them. You want to use a good kind of breeze like Aereil, it has a wonderful scent.

    Think of airing your place often, and if you live in a small place keep your cloths as far as possible from kitchen.

    As for you, try to well jew your food, never eat before you go to bed , take 2-3 showers a day if you live in a warm environment.

    Cotton is the best, it permits air pass to your skin.

  • I’ve never had that problem, but my husband is a smoker. So once I wash my clothes I spray them with Febreze Air Effects (Spring & Renewal). It works great at covering odors like cig smoke, so I’m sure it would help. You can also go the other route and purchase a fart filter. They do work but a little pricy at $14.99.


  • TAKE MORE SHOWERS>.. if you sweat need deodorant big time.. but the clinical ones.. wash your clothes regularly With detergent that has strong Fragrance. Don’t wear your clothes more than a day.. make sure you don’t keep your clothes in moist area..

    You may want to check the water because it it has alot of K+ it can produce that odor.

  • Have you tried washing them? I also have a very active colon and I’m well known by everyone that knows me of this. I have never had a problem w/ my clothes holding in the funk. maybe its your underwear……boxers, briefs, or speedos? either one you need to get to a proctologist to get your spreader checked. it’s most likely your diet and how you eat it. If you eat junk food rapidly then drink a lot your building the perfect storm FELLA! do not be so hard on yourself I find it very amusing when people fart, just surround yourself w/ more flatuant people….and don’t worry about the ladies the right ones find it just as funny and why do you want to be cramped up?

    Source(s): I have the same problem besides the lingering funk in my clothes.

  • Make sure you wash and change your clothes often! Also, if you’re diet is high in fiber, the trade off is flatulence (which means excess gas, by the way). Polyester has to be one of the worse fabrics to trap smell. Try cotton instead. Good luck!

  • All clothes will trap the scent and drag it with you until it dissipates. You will trail it until the gas cloud trapped in your pants is gone. Looser knits may let it dissipate quicker, and as far as I know, that would be cotton. Cotton denim however is really tightly knit, so forget thinking jeans will help you here.

    Oh my god, I just answered a fart question!

  • Wash your clothes with fabric softener…it helps the clothes smell wonderful!

    Use cologne, but not cheap cologne.

    Shower daily, that helps too.

    Also watch what you eat and if you smoke maybe you shouldn’t since cigarettes tend to make your clothes smell even worse.

    Don’t fart!! I’m totally kidding 😀

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