My female betta has be feed for 2 weeks but she hasn't got vertical stripes? shes had eggs for 2 weeks?

Should I add her with the male , he is ready now and has a bubble nest , plz help


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  • Make sure you know how to introduce the bettas. Have you got a separate tank setup for breeding? I suggest using a completely different tank to breed the male and female, but make sure you cycle the tank for a few days first. Bettas are generally pretty hardy when it comes to changes in water/tanks, but you have to be careful nonetheless.

    Some females don’t exhibit vertical stripes, mine didn’t and she mated fine with the male. Just look for her erratic behaviour when you introduce the two and also the slight bulge in her belly. My female was a pearl colour so I could easily identify the eggs inside her as they were much darker but sometimes it’s not as easy to tell.

    Make sure that if/when you introduce them, you have some sort of item for the male to make his bubble nest under ‘a nest anchor’, for example a styrofoam cup cut down the middle or an Indian Almond leaf.

    Also, don’t put them both in the tank free swimming. Isolate the female but make sure they can see each other, i.e put her in the tank with a plastic bottle surrounding her (ensure the bottom is cut out and the top is open to the air so she can surface breath).

    This will help you determine the behaviour of both. If the male is swimming around her and flaring up and showing off, and also making a bubble nest, you know he is more than ready. If she also is more active than normal and “wiggles her tail”, this shows she is interested in him. Vertical stripes aren’t always expressed, and if they are they aren’t always easy to see.

    Hope this helps, bear in mind I am no expert and my opinion may differ from others.

    Source(s): Breeding my own bettas.

  • DO IT!

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