My Mother is Breast feeding her 4 year old son still, is there something wrong with this?

My little brother is almost 4 years old now and my mother still breasts feeds. she complains all the time but honestly wont do anything about it. She wont try and make him stop it’s almost as if she enjoys it. I’ve been nose to nose fighting with her for 3 years now trying to make her stop. What else can I do?


My dad left before my little brother was born. I am 18 years old, and I was there when he was delivered. I have helped raise him as if he’s my own. Her breast feeding him and giving into every one of his tantrums is causing her to lose complete control over her child. I’ve been around other four year olds, and yet have i found a kid that disobeys more than Hayden does. It may be healthy for the body. But on a Psychology note, I can’t see this being healthy for his mind. Or the other four children in the house that tell her daily how much it bothers them that she does this.


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  • I think many people are uncomfortable with the idea of nursing older children – I was happy up to age two, but not beyond. However, follow the link below and see it is not that uncommon, and can still have some benefits to the child. However, the society we live in barely accepts nursing infants, and it is difficult for you (you don’t give your age but I’m guessing you are quite a few years older than your brother) particularly if you hear others making judgemental remarks. Maybe the compromise would be for your mum to only feed this way at home and not in public. It is easy to feed a tiny baby discreetly, but harder with a four year old.


  • There is technically nothing wrong with it as long as he is getting all of the proper nutrients directed by his pediatrician. Yes, it’s probably strange looking at your mom feeding your 4 year old brother. Most moms have weened by this point. If it makes you fell uncomfortable (yes, you are allowed to have your own opinions), then tell her that it does and to make sure she feeds him out of your sight. I personally feel sort of odd when I walk into a public place and see someone breastfeeding. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with it, but it is a difficult at times. It’s her child, so there isn’t much you can do. You are though entitled to your voice so I would suggest mentioning that it makes you feel uncomfortable and request that you work out a plan so you aren’t around or involved with anything to do with your brothers feedings. Good luck!

  • It’s a little unusual that late, but not if it’s, say, only once or twice a day and he consumes a range of other foods and beverages. The Japanese royal family traditionally has consumed breast milk as late as nine or ten years old, I think. It is known to confer extra immunity and has a lot of healthy benefits. Mothers are supposed to enjoy breastfeeding. That’s how they are created. Otherwise they wouldn’t do it. It’s pretty painful. The reason for the enjoyment is that they love their child, but yes, their breasts are involved. I hope the justification makes you feel better, at least, but still…I think the person who said it’s not your business is probably correct.

  • Sorry, her kid, her choice and it doesn’t matter how much you badger and complain, she’s clearly going to do what she wants.

    Instead of playing put upon sort of mommy, why don’t you get out of the house and find a life for yourself. I love my sisters, they’re 16, 18 and 22 years younger than me and I wish someone had just been honest with me and told me to go find my own life. Despite the guilt and fear I did save my 20’s for the most part, got a degree, lived in lots of cool places and now have a happy marriage and two great kids AND a fabulous relationship with my younger siblings.

    Take care of yourself, and while the kids may need you, you’re not much use to them if you sacrifice your life for the one your MOM chose.

    Good luck.

  • These people are wrong..When I asked if it was ok to take a bath with my 4 yr old everyone says no and that there too curious at that age. That goes for breastfeeding as well. My 4 yr old son is in preschool…How do you go to school and breastfeed..Totally wrong in my book at 4 yrs..

  • That is wrong on so many levels.

    That child is going to be in school soon and is still sucking on mummys bits.

    The child has no sense of independance.

    Most likely will be attached by the hip to the mother for a very long time.

    Its the type of kid that getds beaten up for being a mummys boy.

    Part of not breastfeeding anymore is the child toughens up and becomes independant. To the point they dont cry when mummy is not around.

    For that reason, that child is going to struggle going to school and being away from the mother.


  • Here is exactly what the World Health Organization says, for all of the nazi lactivists out there attacking you for your opinion:

    ” As a global public health recommendation, infants should be exclusively breastfed(1) for the first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, development and health(2). Thereafter, to meet their evolving nutritional requirements, infants should receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age.”

    Why two years? Because there are no PROVEN benefits to breastfeeding beyond 2 years. By then children should be taught life skills and be allowed to develop fine motor skills, such as using their fingers to pick up food, or using a cup, a spoon, a bowl and a fork.

    Even then, if a mother still strongly feels breast milk is best beyond age 2, why not pump and put it in a cup? If you’re still allowing a child to latch when they’re old enough to ask for it, you’re doing it for yourself, not them. And that’s just, ew.


  • of course not. it will help him stay strong. and its great for bonding.How would you feel if you were criticized for doing what you felt was best for your child? what if someone walked up to you and said “Wow, your wrong because you want the best for your child. What a loser.” Come on your mother cares. It’s the one thing we doctors cannot argue… breast milk is what is 1 percent made for the child’s benifit.

  • There is nothing wrong with a 4 yr old being breastfed. It’s up to your mum to make the decision when to stop, not you. You can tell her it makes you uncomfortable but that’s all you can do. Human milk is made for humans to drink, after all, and it is not that unusual for children to be breastfed till later in other cultures.

    Source(s): breastfeeding mum of two22

  • to each their own i think. she probably is too tired to deal with the screaming fits and so on that taking away the boob wiill cause. and perhaps she’s holding onto the feedings because this is/will be her last child. Probably best not to do anything about it – her body he choice. You don’t really have much to even do with it.

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