my neighbor is throwing things at my dog and has harassed him since he was a pup?

My neighbor has thrown pop cans at him and trys to attack him at the fence so my dog goes and barks and groules at him now every time he goes out side if he barks or is too noise with his toys he yells at him/ us about waking him up. My dog only goes out side from 7am till ten never later and only outside for ten to fifteen mins at a time what can i do? We are afraid he will poison our dog?


✅ Answers

  • Find what motivates your dog. Some dogs do anything for food. Some dogs do anything for Toys. Some do anything for a good petting. Some do anything for only one type of food, like cheese, or hotdog. Some only have interest in training for 5 minutes at a time, and others can go for an hour. Figure out what your dog is willing to work for, and then work with her in sessions that are no longer than she can tolerate. How to train your dog properly

    Sign up for a dog obedience training class. It will not train your dog. It will give you training on how you can train your dog. Most people understand the idea of training, but there is a right and a wrong way to do it, and there is good and bad technique. Timing and consistency is very important, and it helps to have feedback of someone watching you who can help you improve your technique to get more efficient results with your dog.

    However, she may be somewhat anxious around other dogs, sort of like the shy kid on the playground. She will benefit from continuing what you are doing as far as asking her to sit before entering, but there are more things along those lines that will help her to calmly go in and out of the dog park. She may also benefit from going in short bursts, or only when fewer dogs are present, or avoiding times when other dogs that make her nervous are present. Maybe she just plays loud – my brother’s dog is this way – or maybe she is a dogpark bully – sorry it is possible. But more likely she is just a little anxious around new dogs and she wants to play but just doesn’t quite know how to do that and still feel comfortable. Don’t be surprised if your dog does not actually like the dog park, and maybe she would get more enjoyment and less stress out of simply going for a good walk somewhere else.

    A wagging tail does not mean that your dog is happy or even comfortable with the situation. It means your dog is emotionally aroused. This could be a happy arousal, or it could be a nervous arousal, or it could be an aggressive arousal. Go youtube it, there are plenty of videos of ‘vicious’ dogs who are throwing a very aggressive fit of barking and snarling while their tail is wagging vigorously. Even police dogs who are not let off the leash to chase down a suspect can be lunging and barking and snarling, and their tails are still going.

  • I might be able to help you here. My mom and I are trying to train my two dogs too, because the boy jumps and nips people. So to train them “Sit, stay, come,” etc, you should probably with buying some books on it. Read here

    Explore and see what information people can give you. If you go on twice a day walks, you’d be surprised how many people walking dogs you can chat with and find information!

    OK. You can also start by treats/toys. For toys, keep a secret selection of different-flavored bones somewhere, and when the dogs do something well, give them a bone. For treats you do the same. I would probably stick with the bones, because the dogs can get overweight with too many treats. So when your dog is calm and just kind of walking around, pat his behind a little and say loud and clearly, “Sit!” Not roughly, just kind of hold the word like your singing. Your voice should be effective, but sweet. If the dog doesn’t automaticlly sit, that’s okay. Just try it again until he does. Once your dog sits, you give him whatever the prize is.

  • Don’t waste your time talking to him. A peson that would justify being abusive to a helpless dog wouldn’t understand anyway.

    Call the cops and Animal Control AFTER you video tape him in the act. Or get some pics. Evidence is best. FILE a report for harassment. As he is harassing your property.

    Sorry you have such an a$$ for a neighbor!!

  • Talk to the neighboor. Tell him the needs of the dog and why it is important. If he doesn’t listen consider reporting him because the dogs safety may be at risk. If you are really worried then keep the dog in and let him have little to no cOntact with the dog hater neighboor. The most important thing is the dogs safety and if that is in jepody confront the neighboor because you shouldnt have to live in fear!

    Source(s): Hope this helped 🙂

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  • I suspect that you are in America, I am in the UK. It would appear, that although Americans are friendly in many respects, that they don’t make any attempts to make friends with their neighbours.

    You have done nothing wrong, nor has your dog. Nevertheless, your neighbour is a pain in the backside.

    When you let your dog out at 7am, go out with him to prevent him from barking.

    Then, eat humble pie and go next door and ask if your dog is your dog is still disturbing him. Make friends with your neighbour and apologize for his past misdemeanors.

    Although making an apology will be difficult to do, you need to make a friend of this nasty man to prevent his attacks on your dog.

  • I hope this hasn’t been going on long, your dog could end up with long term effects from this abuse.

    Your neighbor’s NOT going to listen, so don’t waste your time.

    As stated… get the proof you need and file a report with law enforcement as well as animal services.

    Take care of this promptly less he become wise and purposely let your dog bite him.

    Source(s): A Brit/Romanian breeder & owner of French Bulls.

  • Don’t even bother talking to him because he is obviously mentally unstable. File a complaint with the police and the local animal control before he does. Take video of everything he does to your dog too as evidence.

    Source(s): been a dog owner all my life

  • contact the ASPCA and local police to fill out a complaint. When the neighbor asks why, tell him in case anything happens to the dog he’ll be blamed.

  • Talk to your neighbour like an adult. If you’re dog is constantly barking (maybe you don’t hear it, maybe you can tune it out?) then you need to train your dog. Disturbing neighbours isn’t acceptable, but neither is your neighbours attitude. Talk it out with them and come to some sort of understanding before you or him do something they will regret.

  • Talk to him about how it is not ok to do this to your dog, especially because your dog isn’t doing anything bad. If he continues to do it, record it and tell the police.

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