wax in dogs ears what can i do to stop this?

i have a springer spaniel puppy who is getting allot of brown wax in its ears i do clean them everyday but i have had springer’s before and never had this problem.

his ear’s look quite red inside


i do use ear drops already


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  • Puppies make a lot more wax than adults. This is quite normal. However, just to be sure he doesn’t have mites, or an infection, before you start using otc drops, which could well only make matters worse, get him checked by your vet. Then you need to wipe the inside of his ears once a week, when you clip nails. If you do it everyday, provided he has no infection, you will make them inflammed.

    First step – get him looked at by a vet (who has instruments to look right inside his ear).

    And never ever poke around inside his ear with something like a q.tip.

  • Your dog has ear infection. did you get ear drops from VET for your dog?. You will need to clean his ear once a week. If it gets dirty again quicker before the week later, clean his ear with damp clean wool wipe it, don’t let water drops inside the dog’s ear, only ear dropper can drop inside ear.

    It might take a while to clear off.

  • I would advice get her checked out by your vet . Dogs like springer’s who have alot of hair on their ears can be prone to ear problems as the air can’t get to them easily.My toy poodle has ear problems so i have drops from the vet to help keep them in check.

  • A red ear with brown waxy discharge is most likely an ear infection. Your pup needs to see a vet for diagnosis and treatment.

  • Hmm… red + brown wax = ear infection! This is one of the first things my vet discussed with me when I brought in my pup for the first time; I’m surprised you didn’t suspect this immediately. Take to the vet for treatment.

  • It sounds like ear mites, so take your spaniel to the vets for a check up. He can give your dogs ears a good clean too!

  • Have you considered taking your dog to the vet, so they can see if there is an infection or ear mites?

  • my dog is a golden retriever and he goes through this every year… go to your vet and he will probably give u ear drops that stops any infection.

  • if they are red hes scratching them and get him to a vet he may have fur down his ears a common problem with dogs who have long fur, my dog went and she looks to see if theres fur takes it out and dogs happy, also you can get a cotton ball damp it a little a clean some of the stuff out, but please go to a vet,

  • perhaps he has an ear infection that needs to be addressed by his vet.

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