My niece just asked me why she was half black…?

My nieces are both half black and I never thought anything of it (she’s 6). But today while I was watching them she asked me why she was half black and I had to explain some really difficult stuff to her (such as, her mommy is white and her daddy is black, but that didn’t mean she was any different than the rest of the kids. I told her even the president was half-black and I tried to make it sound as good as I possible could…

But I guess I probably just confused her.

How would YOU have answered this question to your six year old if they asked and were of mixed-races?

I told her that people could marry whoever they loved, and it didn’t matter what color they were…


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  • Really difficult stuff? Really? That’s one of the easier questions you’ll get. At six she should understand what ‘half’ means. The race thing is a non-issue. “One parent is white. One parent is black. You are made up of part of each of them.” If you put any emphasis on race, other than basic acknowledgment that different races exist then you’re going to cause problems.

  • I would have said, “Because your mom is white and your dad is black.” When you gave her a speech about how she is the same as other kids and etc…you basically told her that she *is* different. Otherwise, there is no way you would have needed to give the speech, does that make sense? It makes sense to your niece, I guarantee that is how she took it.

  • I probably would have answered the same way.

    People who are in love, get married, and start a family together. Because of their race, their children came out with the best of both of them.

  • It only was difficult to explain because you were uncomfortable. I have two adopted children and one biological. My oldest son is biracial. When the subject came up I just said that his dad was black. Kids don’t naturally see anything wrong with it. They just pick up our discomfort. On the rare occassions when someone was rude enough to ask me if he is half-black, I just correct them and say he is half-white.

  • Honestly I think you handled it well. My daughter asked me why she was white when she was 2 because she was around mixed kids a lot. Kids of mixed race have it hard even if they are accepted and it’s great that your shining a positive on it.

  • I honestly don’t see how this is a big deal, its not like we are still living in segregation or anything like that.

    I would of answered, “Your mother is white, your daddy is black.” Simple as that.

    Tolerance is a good thing to teach children, good for you on teaching them that.

  • tell her being half black and half white is having the best of both worlds

  • because one parent has light skin and the other dark but you are very special because you get both!!!

    <3 Sienna

  • tell her she drinks to much black coffee

  • tell her a vanilla cookie and a chocolate cookie had sex and made her

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