Parakeet's beak is badly broken please help (Advice ASAP)?

I keep my parakeet with her sister, and sometimes they get into some pretty nasty brawls. Today they got in a really bad one, and now my bird’s bottom beak is broken and protruding outwards (like a human jaw would if you shifted your bottom jaw forward to stick out past your top teeth). She can’t use the bottom beak at all, and I am worried she will not be able to eat or drink.

I cannot afford to take her to the vet, and I don’t want to hear that I shouldn’t have ever gotten a bird if I “couldn’t take care of her”; this is the first emergency I have had to deal with, as I have been keeping her very healthy.

*again, just so it’s clear, I CANNOT afford to take her to a vet*

Anyway, I need advice NOW so I can start treating her. Do I try to push the lower beak back under the upper beak? Do I just try to cut the lower beak off and feed her mush? What do I do??? I don’t want to have to put her down, although I will if I absolutely have to…but I’m kinda really attached to her and I wan to at least try to save her.

Thanks in advance for any advice it is greatly appreciated.


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  • The vets I know will let you make payment arrangements. You cannot repair the beak yourself, the bird needs professional help. This is a painful injury & even w vet care may not be survivable. Hopefully you have separated the injured bird and are keeping it in a warm, safe place. Please try harder to find a vet (have you even tried at all?) and do it tonight. You should not pull the beak off. Good luck. Poor bird.

  • Save the damaged off piece of beak if you will find it . Use some styptic or cornstarch or flour to help discontinue the bleeding. It may be feasible to attach the broken beak in position utilizing a superglue. You need two humans , one to maintain the chicken in place and the opposite to do the gluing. A vet must have a medical version of superglue that maybe safer for the fowl. In the event you dont have the damaged phase , it can be possible to make a false beak out of plastic or probably the most baked ceramics like FIMO clay and glue it to the stub of the beak . Many vets dont work on such small birds. You may be ready to feed the chook anyway via supplying a mash on a spoon , or a feeding syringe. Oatmeal will also be an emergency meals. A paste of water and seeds overwhelmed will work too. Crush the seeds dry and blow flippantly to do away with the husks. A pet store could have a components for youngster birds . It should even be competent to feed out of a small dish through using its tongue and upper beak . Just right success.

  • Without medical attention, she will die a horrible death. There is not one thing you can do to help her with the pain she must be experiencing, much less the infection that will set in, the inability to eat and drink will take her out in a few days.

    Make a deal with the vet, borrow some money, if you want to help her.

    Source(s): volunteer in wild animal hospital, hand raise orphaned song birds.

  • OOhhh. Please do not birds who fight into the same cage.

    Examine the bird and see if the beak is separated from the head. If so I would use surgical tape and gently put the beak back into place and tape it around the bird’s head. If it is broken in place I would glue it together.

    Email me off YA.

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