Refrigerator versus freezer.?

I can’t keep my ice cream in the refrigerator because it melts. What is the reason that it is kept hard in the freezer- OK! I know, its lower temperature.Any chance in rebuild an old refrigerator to achieve the temperature that frezzer does?

Some of you would suggest me to buy one, but I just want to know.


✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • ==== not for the regular refrigerator == you need a new compressor,bigger coils, and new thermostat == in my opinion the cost is prohibitive and if you want a small freezer shop at SEARS, LOWE’S or see what is available at Walmart …

  • A frost free refrigerator goes into the defrost cycle approximately every hours of running time. During that cycle, a heater comes on to melt the frost & the temp can get up to F in the freezer. That is why ice cream gets yucky and why the other food gets freezer burn and ice crystals. A manual defrost freezer maintains the temp that it set at, giving a much longer shelf life for the food.

    Source(s): years in appliance sales and service

  • It’s just what ice cream does. Soft scoop is filled with air.

    Take it out minutes before you eat it is what mosp people do, or use hot water to heat up a spoon or scoop to cut through the ice cream.


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