Should i give my 15 month dog 1 meal a day?

i have been stating to give her 1 meal a day because she has been pooping in her cage. she stopped and i still give her 1 meal a day. which is is the morning. i give her water in the evening too. should i put her back on 2 meals a day?


Starting i meant to say starting

Update 2:

she is a pitbull cane corso mix. and i never new how much she weighs. she looks like the ideal weight though

Update 3:

i will give her 2 meals a day


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  • Feeding a dog only once a day can lead to food aggression, so we never advise it.

    Feed her twice a day, once in the morning as you’re getting ready, and allow 20-30 minutes for her to need to go potty. Feed her in the evening after you are home for the night, and once again, allow 20-30 minutes to go potty.

    Generally dogs only poop as often as they eat unless you are feeding her a food with a high amount of fillers (wheat, corn, glueten). So also look into the food, and if it’s full of them, change foods.Higher quality food means less poop. Less poop means less mess!

    Source(s): Previous vet tech. Currently, a kennel manager. Foster parent for dog rescue. Personal owner of a bully breed.

  • If she’s pooping in her cage then she’s either not being let out enough or the cage is too large. Otherwise, she wouldn’t just “start” going in her cage randomly. Taking her down to 1 meal a day is not a solution. It’s really not healthy. Also, she should have access to water all the time while you’re home. 2 meals a day is best for a dog’s health and metabolism.

  • I would stick with two meals a day, personally. It’s easier on the dog and it’s the highlight of their day in most cases. In bloat-prone breeds (any dog with a deep chest and high tuck-up in the abdomen, regardless of size), you definitely want to feed twice a day–maybe three times.

    I’m a bit concerned that the dog apparently does not have regular access to water? Why is THAT?

    Also, as the dog matures, she may not need to eliminate as quickly as she did following eating as she did as a pup. By 15 mos, she may not need to eliminate for about 45 minutes after eating. If you take her out after 20 minutes, as you did when she was a pup, she may not need to go yet. Try giving her a little more time between the feedings and the elimination walks.

    How many hours a day is this dog in a cage?

    Source(s): mb

  • If your going to feed you dog one meal a day then you shouldn’t have any animals period. Having an animal is a joy but a responsibility at the same time and if you are not willing to put the time and effort to train and take care of your pup than why do you have one!

    You are abusing your dog! why don’t you try eating only once a day and see how you fair out.

  • two meals a day is better for the dog, just make sure you take him out young dogs have a fast metabolism, as well as a poor quality food will make them poop more than a higher quality one.

  • Pooping in her crate means that you either leave her in there too long or she’s not properly crate trained/housebroken.

    Whether she’s fed once or twice a day, has nothing to do with it.

    I have a 6mo old pup…who was fed 3 times a day, and now 2 times a day…he has not pooped or peed in his crate, EVER

  • 2 separate meals daily is ideal. Large, single meals can cause bloat in dogs.

  • She should have water available ALL THE TIME, not just with meals.

    Also, feeding two times a day is much better than once.

  • Depends on several factors, such as breed, how much exercise she gets, type of food, etc.

    Best to consult with Vet.

  • Put her back on two meals a day, but at times when she will be able to digest and you can take her out, maybe 8.30am and 5.30pm

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