Should you let your future mother-in-law go on your honeymoon?

What if your new bride insisted?

What if your mother-in-law paid for the honeymoon?

What if your mother-in-law wouldn’t let your bride go otherwise?


foxy! shh…!


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  • Wouldn’t let the bride go??? What right does she have to ALLOW the bride to go or not go on her own honeymoon?? Are you married yet?? If not, you had better seriously think about this situation.. and you had better set Madame Mother In Law down and let HER know who is and is NOT in the marriage!! Mother in law on the honeymoon? I DON’T think so! She can pay all she wants, but she had better get her head out of her.. well, you get the idea… and get it through her head that her BABY GIRL is now a married woman.. and ADULT, thank you very much.. and she needs to back off. And while you have Madame Mother In Law sat down.. put BABY GIRL right next to her.. explain to that young lady that she had best be cutting that umbilical cord now.. I cannot believe she would insist on Mama coming along! That is just WRONG! Sounds to me like your future wife has some problems that need straightening out BEFORE the wedding… If you don’t get this straightened out RIGHT NOW, the rest of your married life is going to be HELL!! I can absolutely PROMISE you that.. because JUST that sort of thing helped screw up my first marriage..


  • A couples’ honeymoon is a special time meant for the bride and groom alone. It doesn’t who paid for it or not. The mother in law shouldn’t be so overbearing as to say that she won’t let the bride go. That sounds like a bunch of crap to me. If your bride was grown up enough to marry you, then she should be able to go on the honeymoon ALONE with you. The honeymoon was a gift.

  • hell no, you should not let her go.

    if anyone “insists” then please take that as a warning! honeymoons are supposed to be for the bride and grooms only! why does mom want to go? why does bride want her to go? this is not special time away for the both of them, it is for you and your bride. there would be a definite question in my mind. why would be the start of that question and there are so many questions that i really can’t focus on just one. i would be pissed and take it as a personal insult.

    what if mom-in-law paid for the honeymoon? so what if she did? this is supposed to be a special time for the BRIDE AND GROOM, that would not include anyone else!

    mom-in-law can’t tell daughter whether or not she can go on a honeymoon. HOWEVER, IT IS A GIFT! my advice is don’t accept the gift, or the strings attached, and pay for it yourself.

    your future mom-in-law sounds like a “less-than-pleasant person”.

    put your foot down now, let everyone know where you draw the line now or it will be a lot more difficult, in the future. good luck.

  • a honeymoon is a romantic time for a young married couple. If the bride agrees then you could save up some money and get your own honeymoon. but if the bride really thinks that letting her mom go with her is a good idea and is important to her than let the mom go but maybe she could stay in a different place or do different things while you have a good time.

  • Oh my goodness NO! Once the bride is married, the mother-in-law really doesn’t have any say over what she can and can’t do. She needs to get used to that now. It doesn’t matter if she pays for it or not. The honeymoon is for the bride and groom. Simple as that.

  • Not no, but HELL NO!

    If she can’t go a week w/o her momma, better rethink marrying this chick! If that’s how the honeymoon will be, just think about 6 months into this how it’ll be… or when you have a child…. two children….. If the bride is old enough to be marrying, the bride does not need permission from her mother to go on a honeymoon!

    Dude, you’d better run fast and far, leaving the two of them in your dust!

  • Are they insane??? That’s is a NO BRAINER…there is NO way that a mother-in-law should be on the honeymoon!!! It’s about the new couple becoming a new couple. Family bonds can come another time. If your bride is still at the point that after your married her mother can forbid her to be alone with you, then you have much bigger problems in your future.

  • Ummm I would tell the mother in law that she needs not to be protective over her daughter anymore that you can handle her now. She needs to respect the fact that a honeymoon is supposed to be the special time for the new couple.. Not having all the in laws around for it! Kinda sick!! My future mother in law made my fiancee and mommy’s boy in a way but I promise you, she knows that she dont want to be present during the honeymoon!!!

    But I would talk with your fiancee about it and tell her that this is supposed to be your special time together and if your mother in law wont pay for it unless she can go.. then tell her to forget it, that you will save money and pay for it yourself and go by yourself!! Its your wedding, your honeymoon and when you get married.. Two makes one, three doesnt make one!! Stand up for yourself and tell your future wife to do the same and Good luck to you! Hope you have a great wedding as well as a honeymoon!!

  • No.



    And, the bride is an adult who should not be controlled by her mother.

    If the bride refuses to go without her mother, then there are alot of issues that she has and is clearly not ready to be married. This may indicate that you need to step back from the situation and rethink your options. Do you want to be tied forever to someone that is so dependant on her mother for things? That can put alot of undue stress in a marriage. I would definetly take a deeper look at this if I were you. Good luck in your endeavors.

  • OH MY WORD!! You are going to have many problems. Mother needs to butt out and let her daughter grow up and have her OWN LIFE. She CANNOT stop her daughter from going on her honeymoon. It is a disrespectful thing for the mother to butt in like that. You are going to have a miserable marriage. MY OH MY! I feel sorry for you.

    What I would do if I were you is ELOPE.

    I would be really trying hard to talk the new bride out of it and talking sense into her

    It is your wedding it is your new life together and MOM should have no part in it. Don’t let her spoil it

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