Sleepwalking and going pee?

I’ve always had a problem with sleepwalking but I rarely did anything strange during it. When I sleepwalk I often very faintly remember it which I found out is normal, but lately I’ve been remembering going pee (in the toilet XD) but twice I remember peeing in strange places like bathroom counter. I get up in the morning and I see my soaked counter then the memories often rush back to me. I make sure I pee before going to bed every night. So I’m just wondering why I may be doing this?


I’m not getting drunk, I’m 14 and I don’t drink.


✅ Answers

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  • Stop getting too drunk

  • There are some reasons behind it that I’m not qualified to say except that I heard it’s because your body doesn’t produce enough of a chemical that is supposed to paralyze your body in sleep.

    I guess you should try to use the restroom as much as you can before bed and find ways to safe proof the house so you don’t get hurt. I hope it goes away

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