What is wrong with my 2 year old son?

He is 2 1/2 and was fine all day today. He woke up just a bit ago puking up everything he has eaten since lunch (I could see the mac and hot dog he ate along with tonight’s dinner). He is pale, sweating and crying up a storm. We gave him a quick bath to clean the vomit off of his body and out of his hair… he screamed the whole time. He won’t take a saltine or any kind of fluid. He just cries and pushes away when I offer him Pedialyte or Gatorade. He has thrown up five times now in the past 15 minutes and looks like he is in a lot of pain but can’t tell me (he has a great vocab for his age but talking seems to be out of the question right now). I’m scared out of my mind… anyone know what’s wrong with him?


We had McDonald’s for dinner (once a month treat). He had chicken nuggets and apple slices. He seemed fine though until when he started throwing up. There was no warning at all. I’m wondering if maybe the chicken wasn’t done right? Neither Daddy nor I had chicken, so I can’t gauge that.

Update: He threw up again but has settled and is watching Yo Gabba Gabba on the couch with Daddy but he still looks horrible and still won’t drink anything. He just whines and pushes it away. Poor thing has purpleish circles under his little eyes.


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  • If your worried about food poisoning don’t be. Most cases happen 9-12 hours after ingestion of the food. Did he had milk that could have curdled in his stomach? Sometimes if my milk is about to go bad in a day or two it will make my son throw up so we have to watch the date on the jug and just be safe. If he’s throwing up try water first cuz it won’t cause a whole lot of acid to make his throat sore if he throws up again, and after he’s done throwing up for a few hours then try watered down Gatorade, and try having him stick to the brat diet (bananas, rice, apple sauce, toast) I don’t know what it is but it works. He could have dark circles under his eyes just from the strain of throwing up so he’s popped some blood vessels or it could just be a genetic thing like my family dark circles run in it when you haven’t slept enough or are just tired.

    If he stops throwing up for as long as 30 mins give him half a dose of chewable pepto since I find it works better than gravol does, that’s all I give me or my son and non drowsy gravol it doesn’t make me even the slightest bit fuzzy it just makes me feel better or I think you can get a liquid children’s pepto, if not just half the tablet and give it to him to chew and keep up a schedule of Tylenol/Advil your preference and if he doesn’t stop throwing up by the morning take him to your dr or the er since your dr might be much more pleasant and much faster than the er would be.

  • I would make a trip to the ER. Just to be on the safe side to rule out food posioning or anything bacterial. Hate when the little guy’s get sick but I never question without seeing a doctor. Even if its at night and calls for a ER or local minor emergancy trip. Kind of puts you a little at ease.

    Try to talk to him as well. He needs to know that he needs some fluids or we have to get to the doctor. Have you any popsicles!??!?!?!? Always works for my little guy. Anything goody with fluids!

    Source(s): 29 weeks with #3. Have a 7 and 3 year old boys. Hate when they fall ill. Hope he gets better 🙂

  • Check for a fever.

    It might be a small flu. My son, three years, was the same way a couple weeks ago (Seattle area, if that means anything) and he was better in a few days. I was worried because he wouldn’t eat. Have no fear. When he wants to eat and can he will!

    After a few days where he would at least stay awake to watch some cartoons I got him dressed and sat with him outside. I’m 1% believer that fresh air does the body good. I think bad air- out, good air – in. He was back to his normal self in fifteen minutes.

    If the fever goes above 1.4 then it’s a fever. Some say 102.7 then go to the hospital. I always call the hospital first to see if it’s necessary.

  • ASK A DOCTOR!!!!!!!!

  • Sounds like food poisoning. You can take him to the ER right now if he won’t take any fluids, or wait until tomorrow and take him to his doctor.

  • You won’t feel better until you take him to the E.R. You have to make sure your son does not get dehydrated. I have a 2 and a half year old boy and its more traumatic for us mom’s then the actual child.He probably caught a bug,but its better to be safe and you will feel better when the doctor lets you know what is going on

  • This could be a flu bug.

    Two of my kids had this and it lasted 12hrs. Not long after throwing up tummy upsets came if you know what I mean. It was rough but they made it through. Thankfully my son, husband & I didn’t get it.

    If it was food poisoning the rest of the family would be just as sick if you all ate the same thing.

    But if he is in a lot of pain you may need to contact your doctors after hours for some advice.

    I wouldn’t worry about fluids right away because he may just throw it up. It will make him sicker since his stomach is so unsettled. But after about 3-4hrs of not throwing up try fluids again. But only little short sips at first to make sure he is ok.

    Hope he feels better. I feel awful when my kids throw up because I just can’t handle that stuff. It makes me sick along with the kid and I am not help if I’m throw up like they are.

    Source(s): homeschooling mom of 3

  • I would go to the ER!!! My son when he gets sick he is 2 1/2 also he dehydrates really fast!!!! So I would bring him and let them check him out and they maybe can give him some fluids. The only thing that helped my son was they hooked him up to iv and gave him some zophrane and in minutes he was so much better!!! But definitely take him to the ER!!! Hope he feels better soon!

  • GO TO THE ER!!!!!!!!


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