Son wants to wear a bra?

My son’s 11 and he keeps asking to get to wear a bra. I think he’s jealous of his sisters, I have 5 kids and 4 are girls. I’m a single mom, but my alimony allows me to stay home with the kids as a stay at home mom. When my youngest daughter (10) got a training bra a couple weeks ago my son started asking to get one and not a day has gone by that he hasn’t asked. When I tell him no he cries and goes and hides in the room he shares with my youngest daughter and refuses to come out for hours (even to the point of skipping meals. I don’t know what to do, should I just let him start wearing a bra? I don’t want him to turn into a queer little cross dresser, but I don’t know what else to do. He’s a good kid, quiet, does his chores, gets good grades, etc. He normally doesn’t throw tantrums at all. I’ve tried to explain to him that bras are only for girls but he is having none of it. What should I do?


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  • It’s just a bra, jeez.

    Explain to him the use of a bra, and what it’s for, and if he still wants to wear one, let him!

    Maybe just let him wear it around the house?

    Queer little cross dresser? What if he is? Are you going to disown him? There’s nothing wrong with being a cross-dresser, or even transsexual. Just give him the bra, and be prepared for possibly more situations like this. But it may just pass, a lot of children like to try on clothes etc. But like I said, be prepared if he comes out to you as a cross-dresser or transgender, and accept him.

    Again, it’s just a bra, it doesn’t mean he’s a cross-dresser right off the bat.


  • Buy him a bra. Gender constrictions are dumb. At this age 10/11 bras are only for inside confidence really so if he wants a bra and it will make him feel better, get him one. Just explain as he gets older what it’s for exactly and tell him if he wants to stop he can anytime but DON’T pressure him into it, as he gets older offer him a real bra if he’s still into it. Support him, he needs your help as he’s growing up and you need to prove he can trust you, also don’t tell any other mothers/friends about it because other people may not be as sensitive.

    If he does grow up as “a queer little cross dresser” he’s one effing brave kid to do that at his age, and you should be proud of him for what he is. Doubtless it will be difficult for you to accept that at first, but you will become accustomed to it just respect him even if you can’t understand him.

    This may become a larger issue than simply wanting what other kids have, if it does let it flow there’s nothing wrong with cross-dressers and if he’s gay he needs a lot of support from you.

  • i dont think this is real, because u said ‘queer little cross dresser’ i dont think any mother that was really looking for advice because she cares for her son would have said that

    and if u are just that type of person and u really do have a son in this position im sorry to say that u should start looking up information on ‘gender disphoria’ your son may feel he is a girl and this usually starts about 7 years old even younger, unfortunatly for your son if this is the case he has an understanding mother like u

    for your sons sake and to avoid years of depression and confusion please take this seriously and try to be more understanding

    it may not even be gender dysphoria he may just be jealous as u say, and if someone called your son a queer little cross dreaser how would u feel.

  • Alright, I’m 18. I’m gay. I’m very, very, very liberal and all for letting your children express themselves how they want to.

    When I was about his age, I asked my parents for a dress. I’m an only child so I wasn’t jealous of my siblings. I just wanted a dress. I’m not a cross dresser now, just so you know.

    Anyway, fact of the matter is, my dad didn’t let me where that dress. I resented him. I threw fits all the time. I cried if they would make me go to school wearing boys clothes.

    Once my dad left me and my mom, my mom didn’t care what I did. She let me wear anything to school and I got beat up daily.

    So finally, my uncle came over and he said to my mom, let him wear his dress in the house only until he’s old enough to decide if he wants to deal with bullies or not.

    My mom didn’t do this and I wish she did. I was bullied so brutally that I had to transfer to a private boarding school specifically for bullied teens with emotional problems.

    Obviously the bra won’t be seen like my dress would’ve but kids are touchy and you might feel it under the shirt. Perhaps a non-padded sports bra with no hook as well as an under shirt over it.

    From what I gather, this isn’t an LGBT issue. This is a kid who wants attention from his mother.

    I would say buy him something his sisters don’t have. My boyfriend suggested a jock strap, but I mean, he’s 11. That’s up to you.

    However, if he continues to ask you for the bra, especially when he’s older, of courseallow him to have one. If your child is gay, you can’t turn him straight, and if your child is straight, you can’t turn him gay. A bra will turn a straight kid gay as much of as putting your gay kid into sports hoping to turn him straight. He is who he is and no nurture will change that.

    Be supportive and love him unconditionally and you’ll be doing your job right.

    Don’t make it into a big deal and he won’t see it as one. There are worse things. It’s just a silly bra. Don’t sweat the little things.

    Oh, and try not to let your child hear you say things like queer little cross dresser. All you’ll be doing is bullying him and setting him up for self hatred. That’s what’s going to screw up your child. Above everything, a kid has to know he has his mother’s love. Trust me. That’s how I went wrong.

  • FYI: most crossdresser’s are not “little queer’s”. You should have a nice little talk with him as it is prob. just curiosity about his sister wearing a bra, but he can’t. But, However if it is a deeper notion inside of him, you need to work with him and be supportive, and explain to him that somethings are not accepted by others outside the house. I would recommend talking to your Dr. for proper diagnosis. He may outgrow it,If he doesn’t,This is not a chosen lifestyle as it begins in the womb, when the male and female Chromosones are develop in the brain.

    Source(s): A life long crossdresser that has had to hide his deepest feelings all his life.51

  • You should make it perfectly clear that you do not want him to wear a bra UNLESS he is older. Give him some comfort woman ^_^

    Frankly, you may not want him to be a “queer little crossdresser” but if that’s what he wants to be when he grows up then you better accept it.

    Have a nice day.


  • Let the kid experiment. It’s harmless, all kids like to crossdress sometimes, it’s a natural part of self-exploration. training bras aren’t really expensive, and he won’t “turn” anything because you let him wear one as a kid.

    By restricting his clothing based on gender, you’re teaching him to be afraid to experiment with new things and you’re teaching him that femininity in boys (and masculinity in girls) is something to be afraid or ashamed of.


  • “I don’t want him to turn into a queer little cross dresser”. What he turns into should not be affected by your wants and needs, but rather by his wants and needs. AKA, give him the damn bra and don’t try to impose your will on him.


  • I think being around girls all the time has an effect on him I think if he was around guys his age or a grown man….that could be a good role model for him he’d forget about the whole bra thing……. Get him some “Guy” time sounds like he needs it..


  • Just buy the kid a bra for pete’s sake. He may thank you for it later on in life..


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