Temperature in a betta tank?

I have a 15W heating pad from TopFin (not adjustable) that’s supposed to heat 1-10 gallons. My tank is 10 gallons. Yesterday, the temp was 78F, and today when I checked it went to 76F. It rained outside today, is that why? Is this fluctuation too much?

Also, I feel like one side of my tank where the heater is located is warmer than the other. Should I be getting two heaters, one for each side?

Finally, what is the optimal temperature range for a betta? I get mixed messages.

I know that’s a lot of questions, so thank you very much!


✅ Answers

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  • Bettas are very hardy fish when it comes to temperature. They can survive a couple of days in fairly cold and fairly hot water (I’m not saying almost ice or 2F, but still something around 50F or 1F). As long as the change isn’t drastic and sudden, and it goes back to a normal temperature (between 70 and 90 F) at a steady pace that doesn’t stress out the poor guy, it’s fine.

    Source(s): I have a betta and my brother used to raise and breed them.

  • As long as the water is between 74*F and 84*F it he should be just fine, but if you want to set a permanent temperature go for either 79 or 80*F, and don’t worry about one side of your tank being warmer than the other tends to happen at times since the filter moves the water and the heater keeps the water around itself constantly warm.

    Source(s): Fish Owner

  • Betta fish should be kept in a temp of 78-82f

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