This creepy man keeps talking to me…?

Hi, I’m fourteen and I go to the shop every day. But recently this man has been there, and he keeps talking to me, like saying how old he is and stuff. And I was walking my dog and he said ‘can I walk with you’ so I couldn’t refuse, as I did not want him to hurt me so I went along with it, but he was being really overnice to me and acting odd and he says he’s 17… what can I do to avoid him. Will he hurt me? I am terrified of him, I dont go to the shop anymore because of him… im nervous. I think he knows where I live, as he walked past me as I was going in…. helppp


✅ Answers

  • 1.) Tell your parents and perhaps call the police if something suspicious happens. The police can get a restraining order against him.

    2.) Pedophile, pedophile, pedo all the way

    3.) Say I’m sorry but I can’t talk to strangers and run quickly to a place with lots of people the next time he sees you.

    4.) don’t walk around the neighbourhood alone too much.

    5.) He’s probably a pervert posing as a 17 year old boy. Are you 17? If you are then he’s probably lying and run the hell away from him.

    6.) Do NOT get in any vehicle with him!

    Hope I helped and good luck! 😉

  • He’s either a creepy guy posing as a 17 year old in the hopes you’ll be attracted or is a genuine 17 year old who is really into you. Either way, you’ve got to be safe. Lock your doors and if you want, tell your parents about him so that they can watch out for you. When you go to the store, bring a friend or two and maybe he won’t talk to you. Keep your ID on you, I guess. Don’t oversweat it, just make sure you’re safe and don’t get into a vehicle with him (I’m sure you knew that).

  • I would tell the police. They won’t arrest him or anything, but they will monitor him. Just go to the station and tell them, the last last thing you want is you or anyone else getting hurt. He could already be a sex offender.

  • Go with a friend next time Atleast with somebody to accompany you

  • tell you’re parents , a cop. And get some help.if u can find out his name And get a restraining order against him.

  • tell your parents or the cops

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