Throwing up after 2.5 minutes of sprinting?

Did a race for 5 minutes and like walked half of it, I also have a lot of fried food and I am really skinny but sometimes have trouble breathing


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  • I really don’t know what your question was. Are you wondering if it was okay or if something was wrong? To me it just sounds like you’re out of shape. Being thin doesn’t mean you have more stamina and ability than an obese person. Don’t worry though, all you have to do is start running. Just go for jogs. If you have a treadmill it’s a good way to monitor it. When you’re not really in shape, sprinting can make you throw up, hell, sprinting or a lot of running even makes athletes throw up. That combine with a lot of fried food is sure to make you throw up. As for the breathing.. you would have to be more specific. Is it like raspy? Or do you just start panting a lot and feel like you’re suffocating when you’re doing a lot of activity? Because that would mean you have low lung capacity, which also goes with being out of shape. Don’t worry, this is something you fix with getting in shape. When you start running you’re going to have a hard time going for long periods of time.. so start with like 10 minutes the first week, then 15, then 20, etc. You’ll notice that you’re able to do a lot more and your breathing will become a lot more controlled. The trick in the beginning is to focus on it. Don’t breathe with every step.. which is what your body will try to do. Instead, try to breathe slowly, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth and just focus on that pattern. Eventually your breathing will become a lot easier during activity and you’ll be able to do it for much longer periods of time.

    I hope this helped!

    Source(s): I jog everyday just to stay in shape. At first I was only able to do 10 minutes before I had to stop because I felt like I was suffocating, not because I was tired. But I kept at it and after a week of that I noticed a big difference in how much I could take.

  • Fried food is not good for a runners diet. Sprinting for 2.5 minutes is probably not sprinting, more closely related to “race pace”. Your trouble breathing may be a sharp pain in your side around the lungs, which is called a runner’s stitch, which is normal.

    Source(s): 5 years of competitive running.

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