What are some of your core values? How are you growing into living in greater alignment with your core values?

What are some of your core values? How are you growing into living in greater alignment with your core values? Are there any places where you feel stuck?

(Please help me answer this question, I’m applying for membership in a social youth forum. I really don’t have any idea about how to explain this. Please do not just tell me some ideas about choosing and describing core values. I need tailored answer. Thanks in anticipation 🙂

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  • But we can’t answer that for you. It has to be tailored to /you/ not to us. The best we can do is help you to clarify and communicate /your/ values.

    For example, one of my core values is belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. For me that leads to things like believing that marriage is for any two unrelated people who love each other. For some religious conservatives, that would be exactly opposite of their values.

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