What are some specific things which allow YOU to know for certain that God exists?

I’m asking for people’s personal experiences, specifically Christians, maybe Muslims or people of other religions. I’m NOT looking for concrete evidence here. I’m looking for the reasons as to why YOU as an individual know for certain that God exists.

Atheists, please refrain from answering if you can help it. If not, no one’s stopping you! =D

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? Best Answer

  • that’s right. ya is a public forum.
  • I think there are certain things about life that gives the impression that we are connected to others as well as some other unknown force. Whether it’s intuition or unexplained coincidences. I am an atheist so I think there is a natural explanation for this but I can see how someone could take this as a sign that a God does in fact exist. Of course there is still the matter of which God/religion, but I can see how someone could become confident about the existence of some kind of God. As an atheist, I understand that our feelings can be misleading so I am hesitant to label any unknown force or concept as God until I have ample evidence to point me in that direction.

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