What can I do about loose dogs?

I’m in high school and every day I walk a mile home. I have already had several encounters with loose dogs, which is particularly bad because I am, for whatever reason, afraid of dogs. Two of the dogs I’ve run into so far have been vicious. What can I do to avoid loose dogs, or what should I do if I encounter one?

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  • I can relate. Our neighborhood has A LOT of roaming dogs.

    I’ve answered a question like this. Best advice: Don’t directly look into the dog’s eyes. Dogs who maintain eye contact generally wants a challenge and you are NOT going to want to challenge a dog. It provokes them and makes them very insecure.

    Also, when you walk and you’re going to get past through them, just act normal like they’re not there. Keep your head up and when you’re walking, make a distance between you and the dog, like an invisible barrier–this means respect. Most roaming dogs are very insecure and that’s why they’re so defensive.

    And don’t run. Ever. Dogs have a very strong instinct to chase after moving things such as human running.

    I’ve dealt with roaming dogs and I’ve been chased because I panicked and I ran–I will certainly NOT do that again, I was inches close to be bitten. I also tested them by staying behind our gate and made eye contact for exactly 3 seconds, the dog barked at me endlessly and suspiciously but then after a while, I came out and ignored the dog (pretending he doesn’t exist and kept my head up), the dog ignored me as well. He didn’t see me as a threat.

    I hope I helped. I’m sorry if it’s quite long, I just wanted to be clear.

  • Report the dogs to Animal Control. If you carry a cell phone (most kids do nowadays), take pictures of the dogs off their property as proof.

    If you’re worried about aggression, find out if you are allowed to carry mace in your town. Here are some ideas on how to cope with an actual attack:

    The main things to remember are: don’t run (that triggers the dog’s chase instinct), and don’t stare at the dog (that is considered a challenge/threat).

  • Purchase a dog whistle, a couple tennis balls and ceasar mallans entire season of the dog whisperer. If a angry dog approaches you don’t run & stand your ground, be calm and assertive and continue on your way snapping and shh’ing at any dog that challenges you

    also grow a mustache it shows them who’s boss, no one messes with a guy with a serious mustache 😉

  • Carry a can of Raid Wasp & Hornet Killer. Perfectly legal, more accurate with longer range than pepper sprays, does no permanent harm to dogs.

    This stuff will stop a dog in it’s tracks and the effects are temporary.

    You might also register a complaint with animal control about dogs harassing humans.

  • If your town has a leash law then call Animal Control and report the loose dogs. Tell them that a couple of the dogs have been aggressive.

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