What can we do for summer fun?

I have my little brother and sister all summer, there 9 and 3, my brother is in a wheelchair and were stuck in the house….i feel bad having them sit in front of the tv all day, any ideas?


very difficult to get my brother outside, his legs are both broken from limblengthening, the slightest wrong move and his legs can snap….im not apposed to going outside, just there isnt much to do out there…


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  • I’ve had much experience with this as I used to babysit for a family with a disabled child and we had a blast indoors! We’d play board games, do arts and crafts, watch movies, play charades, and so much more! Kids love arts and crafts, you can go online and search google for arts and crafts for kids, there’s a ton of stuff and a lot of it can be done with household items. Coloring is also fun, and PICTIONARY! So much fun, that way he can interact with everyone all while sitting comfortably in his chair. Good Luck! I hope this helps!

  • what does that have to do with fun out side with the 9 and 3 year old the kid in the wheelchair can play a lot of stuff.. like tag, basketball, a lot of stuff. you dont have to be stuck in the house all day. i have a friend and he is never in the house he is always out side in his wheelchair.

  • Maybe do some crafts or play some board games. Keep their minds working and limit TV. Good luck! I wish you well.

  • little games like chutes and ladders are fun. playing hide and seek or playoutside is always fun. You can also do crafts with paint of playdoh or just plain coloring.

  • maybe some board games.

    video games.

    arts and crafts.

    really funny movie.

    play something like ”lets see who has the best joke to say or who can guess who i am and pretend ur a monkey or something” jsut do somehting to make them laugh and not be bored.

  • go to a pool, and if he can’t swim, get one of those lounge chairs for the pool…. he’ll love it!

  • crafts, sprinklers… ect.

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