What do I do if my wife doesn't want expenseive gift?

I want to buy an expensive jewelry for my wife. I feel comfortable if I see her wearing it. However, she keeps saying she doesn’t want to waste money on this. She wants me to do more housework instead.

However, I don’t to do housework. I just want to buy her something as a replacement.


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  • LOL. Amazing how some guys just don’t seem to care for sex with their wives that much. Vacuum, dust, clean the toilets, whatever, then go buy your wife something you know she wants but would not get for herself. Sometimes, I take my wife to the cosmetics counter at Dillard’s and get her to buy a few things for herself that are outside of her normal make up purchases. Or I take her to get some expensive Walcoa bras. Then, it’s earrings, whatever. But always share the work at home with her. It shows you care about her and the house (her nest). Repair everything in your home without being asked twice. Women respond to that and will really try to keep you happy. Isn’t your happiness important ? Jeeze

    You don’t even have to be very good at repairs and cleaning, but you need to show an honest effort.

    You know, when the work is divided properly, it goes really fast. Which gives her more time for YOU.

    Source(s): married 44 years

  • You just made it pretty clear. You aren’t buying some expensive jewelry to show your wife you love her. It’s a shut up about the housework gift.

    Listen to your wife. You can’t buy your way out of this one. Quit being so lazy and inconsiderate and do your share of the housework. WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL??? You live there, you make a mess, you have to eat, and you are the one who wore your clothes that need to be washed.

    She’s not your mother for crying out loud, she’s your wife and equal partner. If you can’t man up and do your equal share, then get a second job and pay for a live in housekeeper to do all the housework, cooking, and laundry. Why should your wife wait on you hand and foot? Do you think you’re better then her?

  • if you really love her you’ll give her what she wants. do some chores. it won’t kill you and it will mean soooooo much more to her than any piece of jewelry you could ever buy. why do guys say “i don’t DO housework.” ???? its your house too isn’t it? you help make the mess…how hard is it to do a load of laundry once in a while? or take out the trash, or pick up a room or 2? just little things would leave such a huge impression. try it.

  • Listen to your wife! Instead of buying expensive jewelry, buy a nice piece of costume jewelry like a silver bracelet or necklace. Then start helping more around the house. That’s all she’s asking.

  • She needs to be out of the house, have a nice vacation with her, and forget the housework for a while, do it when you came back but not good as a gift. Instead have the vacation as an expensive gift for her.

  • now now there. as a “replacement” haha. do the housework! and if you want to buy her a gift buy her a gift. but dnt do it just to get out of housework. thats a little childish dont you think?

  • OMG.

    My ex-husband used to buy my jewelry after he acted like an idiot with attitude. Did you get the ‘ex’ part?

    Stop trying to buy her love. Helping her around the house is far more important than jewelry.

    Besides, like most everyone these days, there is a hundred and one different places that money could go.

    Suck it up and get cleaning.

  • Why is it that men never listen to what we really want. I understand you do not want to do housework.But us women get tired of being the only one who does it all the time. What will you do without your wife. Maybe it is not just house work you wife wants. She wants stuff that is more personal. Little love notes,a call during the day just to say hey honey how is your day going.I love you. Just some attention from you . She wants more of you not more things. Just listen to what she wants. That is all we ask. SHE WANTS YOU AS A PERSON. not things. please listen to what everyone is telling you . Good luck

  • okay u should actually help out around the house because all wives or firlfriends greatly enjoy that!!! and u should buy the accessory for ur wife also we say we dont want it but deep down we’re like hell yeah my man bought me this haha ya know so always remember treat her like she’s the most beautiful and treasured woman in the world

    thanks, i really hope this works out for you.. and make sure u tell us the outcome



  • ok dear. the best idea for you would be a maid or a house cleaner. if you are going to spend the money on her anyway, than do it on something she would love right? be a doll and do it all in one. you can even order these things for a year at a one stop shot. they have all sorts of deals. love that you think of your wifey first. lots of love j

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