What hides the smell of cigarettes?

My parents don’t know I smoke so I can’t come home smelling like it


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  • Quitting is the best way. It kills you inside out. You want cancer? The health of your lungs is much more important than smelling bad. Trust me. You won’t have to worry about that problem or being paranoid they’ll find out. Plus nicotine is a b*tch. I had it for 6 years and now what, $50+ down the drain. For what, looking cool and getting smoke in my eye? Quit while you still can.

  • By not smoking. Jk but my suggestion would be get some gum and always bring a change of clothes or a shirt. Don’t over do it with cologne or sprays because it usually just makes it smell worse. You can air out your clothes by taking them off and letting them sit outside your car for a little or outside. Wash your hands and face! My dad caught me always by smelling my hands! Incense is good but it only lasts a short amount of time. Good luck

    Source(s): Smoker

  • What hides the smell of cigarettes? Quitting. That`s what hides it.

  • This is the beer, wine and spirits area and your question has nothing to do with any of these. Sadly the Yahoo auto-allocator is wrong more often than not, and this is probably why you have arrived here. Try posing your question in a more appropriate area.

  • Chocolate

    And wash your hands and face!!!

    But they will find out!!

    Just tell them, they are your parents they’ll talk to you about not doing it hear them out, they’ll trust you if you tell them.

  • febreze, spray ur clothes and ur hair…..put hand sanitizer on ur hands and arms……and put lotion on ur neck and face, and eat a hersheys kiss………….works for cigs and pot

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