What kind of job do i need at age 17-18?

im 17 years old and im moving out next and i need a job but i don’t know were to start the only thing i have ever done as far as a job goes is baby sitting i don’t know what to do plz help…


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  • It sounds like you are looking for a career in games technology so your approach to get a job with gamestop is sound. Now you need to figure out what the wage plan is. Most companies offer an increase after a probationary period in which they can decide if you are right for the job. Ask what that period is and what the increase is after the period has ended. It could be 6 months with a little increase and another increase at 12 monhths. But if you want to start off on your own, you need to know these answers. Additionally, ask what they offer in educational benefits. I’m thinking gamestop is not really a career choice, but I could be wrong.

  • You could try visiting your local CareerCenter if your area has them and they can help you.

    Asl your friends what their first jobs were.

    Fast food restaurants and call centers are a good place to start. If you don’t need the money right away, try volunteering at places in your area which will give you experience to put on a resume when you’re ready to apply. Most retail stores including WalMart require you to be 18 to work there.

  • In this economy, finding any job can be a pain in the butt.

    Your best bet on getting a job is the food industry.

    Try sending in applications at your local supermarket, restaurant, and stores.

    Also, because you have almost 0 Job experience, doing grunt work for minimum wage is good experience. Make you motivated to not drop out of school.

    Source(s): Personal Experience

  • Usually first jobs are restaurants or fast food. But trust me my fiance says he has worked at almost every fast food place and it was his worst jobs ever. He’s worked at Walmart too, which even paid good. I worked at Winn Dixie my first job and I liked it for the time I worked there and I moved up very fast from cashier to supervisor and teaching the orientation and cashier training classes. So go for retail like clothing (best) or grocery store but try not to work at any fast food places (they don’t really pay that much anyway if your moving out. Good Luck.

  • a good idea if u dont wanna go in fast food or something is to …go to college! if u become a college student, u can work in certain governmental jobs as a student which is great because u get decent pay + cooler/heater!!!!! …

    basically, even if u only have a high school education but go to college, u get more job opportunities for just being a student…so its great =D

    Source(s): when my brother graduated, he went to college and went to work for an energy commission answering phones and such…decent pay but good advantages because depending on what ur majoring in, its useful to already be working for the government =D

  • well you can get any job in england after 16 as long as your GCSE’s are good

    and you can start a small job like a waiter at the age of 14

  • I worked in a supermarket (Waitrose) part time when i was that age, whilst going to sixth form. I would recommend following something of those lines..supermarket work tends to be quite dull but depending where you go, can be quite well paid (Aldi for example!)

  • If you are not going to college, get a quick start on your McDonalds career now, unless you have some type of epic idea like the creators of Apple or Google.

  • something easy like a resturaunt or my first job was working at an amusement park/water park in Denver. I got enough money to pay my rent and feed myself. But later on i got into real estate agency 🙂

  • College?

    *Love how I got thumbs down for mentioning an education. And our country doesn’t have a problem with this?*

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