what kind of spider has two bulging eyes, about the size off a frog, and thick legs!?

I was in a crawlspace and there was this huge discusting spider (or atleast looked like one). It had these two eyes that bulged out of its head and they were far apart and glowed when I shined a light on hem( like a cats would). It was atleast the size of a frog and had legs about as thick as a pinky finger. This is just really bothering me I have never seen anything like this before. Please help!

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  • This very well could have been a frog. The only spiders that would have prominent eyes, are wolf spiders, and the small jump spiders as mentioned.

    I had my first encounter with a Jerusalem cricket which is the only critter that gave me the willies until I learned about them, now I like the little buggers.

    (ever go frog hunting at night with a spotlight? Their eyes shine too, the wider, the larger.)


  • It was probably not quite as large as it seemed to you at the time, but it could be a Wolf spider. They are found just about world wide and are one of the larger spiders that one is likely to encounter inside a home. Their eye shine can really make them stick out at night with a flashlight. They are ‘good guys’ though and eat thousands of bugs each year. He is keeping your crawlspace free of roaches and things that go chirp in the night. Here is a nice example: http://australianmuseum.net.au/image/Eye-shine-fro…

    Edit: It is unlikely that it was a tarantula, they have relatively small eyes. Jumping spiders also have large eyes like the Wolf spider, but the jumping spiders themselves are smaller sized, seldom larger than a US quarter.

    Source(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbqrfCYE

  • Dear Rawr,

    I know of only two species that fit that description: one of the tarantulas or more likely, the Goliath giant bird eating spider, which can reach the size of a dinner plate. Hope this helps.

    Source(s): lifelong reader and lots of documentaries – have owned a few spiders

  • That sounds like a tarantula… good luck with that. They’re harmless unless you provoke them.

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