what martial does bane use in batman dark knight rises?

thanks 🙂


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  • It was keysi.

    Source(s): Just watched te special fetures of the move.

  • Actually, Azrael takes over for Batman after his back gets broken, not Dick Grayson. And yeah, it’s pretty much confirmed that he breaks *something* (maybe not his spine, but *something*). I was actually a little upset because they basically spoiled it (even though it was pretty much guaranteed to happen) in the trailer. If you look just a little closely at the new tv spot, you see Bruce Wayne talking to Lucius Fox, and he’s leaning on a cane. It only shows it for about half a second, but it basically gives it away that Bane beats the crap out of him (…moreso than the other trailers, I guess).

  • It’s called the Keysi Fighting Method. It’s mostly for theatricals and the moves are made so that when filmed by a camera, the angle appears real.

    Source(s): 15 years of martial arts.

  • It was a mix between Krav Maga, dirty boxing, and the Keysi fighting method.

    Source(s): 3rd degree black belt in tkd, boxing for 7 years, Kick boxing for 4, been in MMA for 5, Blue belt in BJJ, varsity wrestler for my highschool, and have so far acquired 5 patches in my krav maga practices.


    Source(s): Trust me, I’m a professional.

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