What point in life do people find out who they are?

I’m 24, and every time I begin to feel like I know the exact type of person I am, and what I like and my perspective on the world and myself in it, it seems like something big happens and I come out of it a changed person. Do people ever get some time to just sit back in life, know enough about the world to feel satisfied with it and themselves and just… live? Or is that not how life works? I thought I was 1% sure of the world at 19, now 5 years later, after moving out on my own, living in a big city, meeting people from all over the world, dating different kinds of men, meeting different kinds of women and experiencing so much more, I just feel more confused about the world than I did as a teenager.


✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • You were created by God, so the answers lie with your creator, called salvation. I found my identity in Christ in reflecting His image and his truth gives stability to the soul. Truth will give stability to your soul but faith is the choice that you will have to make to reflect that image and likeness, for which there is no rival.

    “For I am the LORD, I change not;” (Malachi 3:6)

    “ For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12)


    Source(s): www.s8wministries.org

  • 30

  • Finding yourself is in my opinion, a completely wrong thing to say. Because you are what your life makes you and so as you experience life, you keep on changing according to it. I was an outgoing extrovert in childhood and school, and now i’m not introverted, but kinda cynical and hateful and afraid of going out much. I changed, yet i was both of these persons at some time.

    Even if you think about professional life, many people end up changing their career one after other. We humans are not a limited measurable thing that we can suddenly one day discover ourself. Even a teenager know about themselves.but they change when they grow up

  • I honestly think between the ages of 28-35.

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