What to feed a baby owl?

Before I get any rude comments : we ARE going to call a wildlife specialist to come and pick it up. But in the mean time what can I feed it? It is almost full grown but is still a baby and can’t fly. A hawk knocked it out of the nest and killed the other one. Please help!!


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  • Don’t feed it anything. You can only legally possess it long enough to get it to a licensed rehabber…this shouldn’t be long enough for it to need to eat.

    Put it in a cardboard box with holes for ventilation. Put a towel on the bottom so it can stand. Put the box in a dark, quiet room and leave it alone.

    Source(s): Biologist, falconer

  • If the mother is still alive you shouldn’t have touched her. She would have came an retrieved the baby if the hawk had not killed him it would have been better to shoo the hawk away and keep a close eye on the baby so the hawk does not come back then the mother can come and get the baby…. Call a wild life rescue right now! He might need special attention and of you don’t might not make the night. I would sugest mice from the pets store to feed him now and don’t kill it for him let him to make sure he doesn’t get used to your life to much good luck

  • Go to petstores and get feeder mices. I think petco or petsmarts should have it. Each mice is about 50 cents. I don’t know how many one will need per day, maybe 2. Ask for the feeder mice to be dead, or kill it first and then let him swallow it, or cut it up in bits and pieces for him to eat.

    Either way see on Youtube videos’ feeding baby owls.

  • Mother will feed their babies anything from mice to fish to frogs. you can by frozen mice from the pet store then thaw them out and rip to tiny pieces to feed it to them

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