what's the relationship between the USA and north korea?


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  • A state of war since about 1950.

  • Northern Korea has no allies – even China might well help the USA against them were northern Korea to initiate (since the USA would not) a war. USA would be allied with the United Nations as a state of war still exists between the UN and northern Korea. Of course, Korea would be a close US ally.

  • To tell you the truth the US could care less about North Korea’s threats. All of what the government in NK is doing is propaganda. They want to try and keep there people on there side. But aside from all that they are obviously still enemies, and that will never change. It is very unstable but not so that the US would go march into N.K and demand all there nukes. They are just at the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) to prevent any attack by North Korea if it did happen.

    Source(s): The news

  • They are enemies.

    Their exact status is a bit complicated and technical.

    The “Korean War” never ended, there is an armistice, but no peace treaty. So, in that way one could say that North Korea and the USA are at war.

    However, under the US Constitution only Congress has the power to Declare War, and Congress last did that in 1941. So, in a strict technical sense, the Korean situation is a UN Police-action. Since the US has the largest, most powerful military in the world, it leads that police action.

  • Enemies. I, from the USA, I find North Korea to be an awful dictatorship with no freedoms.

  • America is a very big can of Raid and North Korea is a roach.

  • Rocky, I don’t even know a Korea personally.

  • engaged

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