Why do religious fanatics pray for Gods mercy?

Why do religious fanatics pray for Gods mercy, but show none to their fellow humans as they cloak themselves in their pious activities.


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  • Because they are terrified of going to hell. I think that is what alot/most religious people do it, fear of eternal damnation and a ‘free’ pass to heaven. People are scared of death religious or not

  • Because religious fanatics usually forget completely what praying is for and religion.Believing in God is something that many people do but by believing to God you have to follow his commandments.Apart from that in religion it is stated that we should treat others good and with love as we would like to be treated.So the religious fanatics totally forget that.Religion is not only for faith but for the becoming the better of yourself spiritually and connecting both with the universe and the Creator and the people around you.

  • They worship a terrorist god indistinguishable from Bin Ladin.

    They are frightened that if they make a mistake God will smite them. Pathetic.

    And these brilliant folks wonder why atheists look at them closely and say, “Uh, no thank you.”

  • I’d like to think it’s because they know they have abused their faith’s message of peace to spread their personal brand of poison.

    Unfortunately I don’t think so..


    Source(s): Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus

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  • I think you are in the position of JUDGING ANYBODY…

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