Why does the court usually side with the girl when it comes to custody of the kid?

The courts usually side with the mom so pretty much when you get devorsed the mom takes the kids and gets to live off of your money for years I think it’s wrong

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  • I don’t understand your assertion about “live off your money”. It is a common fallacy to believe that you could raise children for less money than you pay in child support. And if you don’t want to support children at all, I recommend you get a vasectomy now.
  • Because the mom is the carrier of the kid so it’s better to be with the mom than dad. Lol usually if the mom did abuse the child it’s sided with the dad.

  • What’s wrong is spouting off about a topic you are clearly ignorant about.

    Child support is hardly considered “living off” someone else’s money.. You don’t have a fckuing clue, do you??????

  • Sometimes it all depends on how old the children are because women usually give better care to a younger child. If it’s seen the male has a substantial income and has resources to help care for the young children, then the court may go the other way, especially if the mother is seen as a risk or a bad parnet due to drug use or alcohol or is a felon.

  • For the last 90 years or so, a mother would usually get custody of a child in a divorce settlement. In the 18th century, usually the father got custody. I don’t know the current statistics but I do know several men with custody of their children; but in general I think women usually are granted custody.

    In the 19th century men were seen as the moral and mental superior to women and thus were seen as better parents. The actually rearing of children would be done by females in the man’s household – he would not be expected to feed, clean or cloth a child, just provide financial and moral upbringing. In the early 20th century, as divorce became more common and women started to gain political power, the culture came to see women as ‘natural nurturers’ and began awarding custody to children. Obviously no one gender has a monopoly on good parenting – and to be honest, raising children is a difficult, time consuming and resource consuming job. It really requires at least two parents plus any other adults who are handy to really bring children up. I think this is why we see so many cases of joint custody awarded now.

    Alimony I think is the word you are looking for. Alumni are a group of people who have graduated from an institution like a college. Alimony is a monthly stipend paid to a divorced partner of either sex and is awarded by the court. Alimony is not awarded in every case. In a case where both partners earn equally or have contributed equally to the household and no children are involved, no alimony is paid. In cases where one partner earns more than another, or one partner paid for the other’s education or supported them during their professional training you often see alimony awarded. It is up to the court to determine the amount and duration of the payments. You sometimes see alimony awarded to the person who has custody of the children since raising children takes time away from one’s career (be it male or female). Women are more likely to be awarded alimony because they earn less usually than their partners (a woman in the US earns around .78 cents for every $1. a man earn)

    In the past alimony was almost always awarded and nearly always awarded to the woman – hence the cultural legacy of divorce/alimony that you hear in jokes or movies. These days it can be awarded to either partner as the discretion of the court.

    Local laws play a very big role in this – if you need more specific information I suggest you ask a librarian to help you find local information.

    I hope this helps.

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