Why don't they contact us?

Again another U.F.O. sighting in the Netherlands. I keep am open mind. The universe is big so anything is possible, but if they are out there, why don’t they contact us?. What would be the purpose of staying mum, if they figure we would see them anyway. If they are so advanced, how could we possibly hurt them? The picture looks like a jet to me. Not even clear



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  • We stay away from aboriginal tribes (witness recent efforts in South America), because we carry diseases. They probably do the same, either for fear of spreading their diseases, or us contaminating them. The tribes that kept their livestock in their tents, won most wars by killing off their opponents via disease. Which is why we have so much problem with bird- and pig-related flus.

    Besides, from what you know of the human race, at our current state of hysteria, would you find us interesting enough to talk to? Between the internet and TV, you can find out most everything we do…

  • have u seen the new star trek movie? thats the reason they would stay hidden and not come out… it would have to much affect on our world… unpredictable affects….. I personally dont think they are on earth… they might have been here but there not here now… we are ina desert as far as space goes.. on an outer arm of a mostly dieing sun area of space… the closest goldielocks planet we have been able to find thus far is like 35.0 light years away… yeat there is another close to it and it is in an area with the suns alot closer together….. we are an oasis in the middle of a huge desert of dead/dieing suns/solar systems… would you look for life in a jungle or a desert….proplr cross deserts but its only recently that we have examined them when its much easier to cross them…… if they were on earth then by the time we make it to space there will be little left to explore… and thats a sad sad thought.

  • If there is intelligent life out there other than us, and they’re flying around in our atmosphere, they’re obviously more advanced then us. They probably see us as simple and want nothing to do with us because they believe we are a primitive world.

    Source(s): My logic.

  • They can’t be very advanced if the best effort at contact they can manage is cryptic patterns in corn fields…

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