Why might a mother specifically ask if the father of her child is left or right handed?

This woman I know has a baby with a man who is not her husband (apparently the child is his, anyway – they haven’t had a paternity test done). She wants to change the baby’s name to her husband’s name and asks his permission. She also wants to know if he is right or left-handed.

Why would she ask this particular question??? Is it because she isn’t sure if the baby is his after all?


Thanks for the answer!

Update 2:

I agree, I have no idea why she slept with him – or why she doesn’t even know what hand his dominant one is! It just seemed such an odd thing to want to know this far down the line…


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  • I don’t know why she would want to know if he is left or right handed – it probably has no real bearing on which will be the dominant side in the child.

    Sometimes there are more than one person in the same family who are left handed – not necessarily the parents and children, I’m counting grandparents, cousins etc. Sometimes just one. Sometimes none, I guess. There may be some hereditary thing going on in many cases, I suppose.

    However, if someone is left handed, this does not mean any children they have will also be left handed. My Grandad, for example, was left handed. His son was right handed, so am I. My husband is right handed, like me. But, our son is left handed.

    So, what handedness a child is is no basis to tell whether someone is the father or not!

  • I’ve no idea.

    (also has no idea why anyone would have sex with someone they knew so poorly they’d never even seen them write).

    I’m left-handed and both my kids are right handed.

  • A dominant hand means nothing. My cousin was spot on ‘daddy’ so her mother waited until her child was 10 to tell of her infidelity. Turned out lil girl was the affair guys after all. She should test, $1 online kit.

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