Word on the street is that you are supposed to pee in your wetsuit to warm up?

is that true


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  • It wouldn’t warm you up for long if you did.

  • Peeing in the wet suit does sound disgusting but you have to do what you have to do being out in the line up it takes a while to paddle back and take your suit off just to pee, but if it is cold peeing can warm you up for a moment if you fall your wet suit will most likely get flushed with all the pee and all the water that your body warmed up

  • While it sounds disgusting…it does warm you up while in the water. However I found this piece of advice “If you’re going to pee in your wetsuit, rinse it out every time you use it and clean it regularly with wetsuit shampoo, available at your local surf shop.”

  • It’s not a “MUST DO”, but often when you are out surfing and the water is cold, your bladder shrinks. Most of the time you are out for hours.

    The time it takes to come in and get your wetsuit off to go for a leak, it is just better to go in your suit. Yes it is kinda gross but it is warm. It doesn’t stay warm for long though, and it does get washed out, especially when you are surfing as water get washed through your suit when you fall off or duck dive under a wave.

    Just dont do it in a dry suit!!!

  • Naw dont pee in your wet suit if you get cold just use a thicker one. Unless you like the golden shower short of thing cause youll be sitting in your pee for a long time. I also dont know many people who use wet suits surfin but I did well i lived in Hawaii so the water wasnt that cold most the time. I just wear mine diving.

  • ya i will keep you warm but don’t do it. when you take it off it will smell disgusting!!! what you do is right where you get in let a little water in then the suit will warm it up.

  • i don’t know but i think its wrong because when your little you pee yourself well i peed myself in grade 2 aha (fun moments) but you pee and its warm but then it goes cold after a minut eor two and ur basically sitting in ur own cold pee so i doubt its true

  • You don’t have to. It just stays warm for a little while anyway.

  • i pee in my wetsuit

  • i think its disgusting why would you pee in a wet suit? i mean your pee will be on your body the entire time your in the wet suit and irritate your skin not to mention seep into your wet suit which will make it smell like urine who ever told you that is an idiot and nasty!

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