Would I be considered a bad friend if I introduced a friend to marijuana?

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  • Friends are supposed to be there to help us to avoid the wrong path and doing drugs certainly is not the right way so if you do so you will be acting like someone who does not care for that person (your friend) health
  • It’s not that the mj will do any harm,it’s the potential that he she will blame everything that doesn’t work out in their life on weed and you (even though it won’t be true) …so I wouldn’t …if they ask for it sure,just tell them straight out that you are not going to take any responsibility for them deciding to smoke weed,and if they ever try and blame you for anything in the future ,punch them as hard as you can and remind them THEY ASKED for it 😉

  • Its really all up to you, but in the end you really do have to think of the consequences.

    Would your friend be hooked and become an addict?
    Would your friend start to lose all contact and just smoke all day?
    Would your friend be a different person?
    Would your friend become addicted to other drugs?

    Don’t want to scare you or anything but marijuana can change a person drastically. I mean you might not end up even being friends because of you just lighting up that one bong.

  • Ask them what they think about it. If they want to try it, tell them about your experience and leave the door open. Be sure you cab trust them. Their curiosity will bring them to you with more questions. They may even ask to smoke. This is how I started and I have no regrets. If you feel like you are not pressuring you will have no guilt about it. Asking theright questions will cause them to probe their own minds and tell you what’s inside.

  • On the contrary Comarade Josh, introducing marijuana to people is like introducing a long time friend to someones life. No regrets, just life.

  • no, its fine to offer some, but don’t make a big deal about it or push it on him (or her) if they don’t really want any.

  • YES.

  • “A friend with weed is a friend indeed” lol I heard it on Leprechaun in the hood and I thought it was funny, but yes you would be considered a bad friend

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