Does anyone know any info on Migdalia Cruz?

I seriously need this answered soon!

I have to do a project all about that playwriter…

Please help me?

ive tried looking but nothing… please help?

✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • Migdalia Cruz Biography

    (b. ), National Endowment for the Arts, Theatre Communications Group/Pew Charitable Trust

    Read more: Migdalia Cruz Biography – (b. ), National Endowment for the Arts, Theatre Communications Group/Pew Charitable Trust……

    Dictionary of Literary Biography on Migdalia Cruz…

    Women Playwrights of Diversity A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook

    Jane T. Peterson and Suzanne Bennett

    Greenwood Press

    Westport, Connecticut London

    Playwright Migdalia Cruz opens doors at SSU in ‘Another Part of the House’

    By Daedalus Howell…

    This should give you a good start.

    Source(s): Source in text of answer.

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