I have a problem with my Minature Dachshund. Read Below?

So when I wash my dachshund I bring him inside and I put him in a carrier overnight. But when I leave him outside he wakes up bright and early and goes squirrel hunting alone, he squirrel hunts all day until 5:30 or 6: when it starts to get dark outside. Ok back to my story when i put him in his carrier at night he sleeps until 7: or 7:30 then he wakes up on his own. And starts scratching the bottom of the carrier, then if that don’t wake you up he starts whinning. Cause he wants to go hunting. How can I break him from this habbit. As you can tell i’m not a morning person. How can I make it where when he wakes up and sees nobody else is up he goes back to sleep or just lays there and waits on somone to let him out.

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  • You can’t. When he wakes up, he doesn’t JUST want to go hunting squirrels, he needs to go out and pee, and he is letting you know that. If I were you, I would let him out to pee and go back to bed. If you want to sleep in and not be disturbed, give him to a family who can meet his needs. How would you feel if you had to pee but someone locked you in your bedroom and said that you couldn’t pee until they decided to get out of bed, which might no be until the crack of noon?

    Source(s): 45 years of experience raising dogs; dog nutrition and health mentor

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