Why can’t you get real news on American tv anymore?

It’s all about sensationalism, reporting inaccurate info without verifying sources, and people ranting about their personal beliefs and opinions. ✅ Answers Answerer 1 Well, like dramas or sitcoms, the news is NOT aired for free. The advertiser’s of products demand that the news ratings be exceptionally high, or they can’t sell enough popcorn. So, to … Read more

Dennis hurley murderer 1993?

extradition to mexico ✅ Answers ? Best Answer Yep, he served his sentence in both Canada and Mexico and returned to Canada in July 22. He’s a gay man convicted by a Mexican court of killing his lover is back in Canada trying to rebuild his life since 23. He has always maintained his innocent. … Read more

Kendrick Johnson picture?

So if anyone has seen the picture of Kendrick Johnson, youve seen how bad it looks. I dont understand how the police are saying he could have died from the blood rushing to his head, which lead to a stroke or heart failure. If thats the way he died, how come it looks so gruesome? … Read more